B6 vitamin

B6 vitamin (pyridoxine) – water-soluble vitamin from group B. Under such general name the group of substances which are pyridine derivatives - Pyridoxolum, пиридоксаль and pyridoxamine is joint. The pyridoxine is well alcohol-soluble, to water, is not dissolved in fats, ether. It is steady against influence of oxygen and the increased temperatures, but easily collapses on light.

Витамин B6 в продуктах питания

In an organism B6 vitamin is phosphorylated, and in such look is built in the enzymes participating in exchange of amino acids. Absorption of B6 vitamin happens throughout a small intestine, is brought out of an organism by kidneys.

Content of B6 vitamin in products

B6 vitamin contains in food stuffs of plant and animal origin.

Vegetable sources of a pyridoxine are such products as treacle, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, peas, germinated grains of cereals, mustard, haricot, soy, lentil, salad and other sheet vegetables, yeast, sunflower seeds, nuts, practically all grain and cereals, fruit and berries, especially bananas, avocado.

Such herbs as plantain, catnip, lucerne, straw oat are rich with a pyridoxine.

More than other sources contain B6 vitamin in animal products – in ham, a tuna, beef, mutton, chicken meat, a liver, eggs, cheese, curdled milk, cottage cheese and other dairy products, in seafood (oysters, shrimps, salmon).

Content of B6 vitamin in some products (mg / 100г):

  • Haricot - 0,90;
  • Soy - 0,85;
  • Sea-buckthorn - 0,80;
  • Beef liver - 0,70;
  • Yeast - 0,60;
  • Walnuts - 0,80;
  • The sprouted wheat - 0,75;
  • Garlic - 0,60;
  • Mackerel - 0,80;
  • Grain millet - 0,50;
  • Pepper sweet red - 0,5;
  • Meat of a rabbit - 0,45;
  • Beef - 0,35;
  • Bananas - 0,35;
  • Mutton - 0,3;
  • Pork fat - 0,3;
  • Grain Oat-flakes - 0,24;
  • Avocado - 0,22;
  • Rye bread - 0,17;
  • White cabbage - 0,14;
  • Cottage cheese - 0,11;
  • Processed cheese - 0,10.

Destruction of vitamin happens at long storage and conservation of products, at long suppression and frying, when cooking in large volumes of water and also if the food is cooked for the future.

Small amounts of a pyridoxine are formed by own microflora in a small intestine.

Norms of consumption of B6 vitamin

For adult healthy people (men and women) the physiological need for B6 vitamin makes 2 mg/days, for pregnant women of 2,3 mg/days, for the women nursing – 2,5 mg/days.

Dose for children and teenagers depending on age from 0,5 to 2 mg/days (from 6 months to 1 year – 0,5 mg, 1-1,5 g – 0,9 mg; 1,5-2 years - 1 mg; 3-4 years – 1,3 mg; 5-6 years – 1,4 mg; 7-10 years – 1,7 mg; 11-13 years - 2 mg; for young men of 14-17 years – 2,2 mg; for girls of 14-17 years – 1,9 mg).

To 50 – 70% of the population lack for this vitamin this or that look.

Influence of B6 vitamin on an organism

It is difficult to revaluate the importance of a pyridoxine for an organism. He participates in a set of biochemical reactions as a component of enzymes, regulating exchange of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

The pyridoxine improves work of a brain and peripheral nervous systems, heart, a liver, normalizes arterial pressure. He participates in formation of mediators of a nervous system, hemoglobin, catecholamines, prostaglandins, serotonin, GAMK, histamine and number of amino acids.

In blood B6 vitamin reduces the maintenance of lipids, cholesterol and improves a lipometabolism, preventing development of atherosclerosis and obesity. It stimulates formation of blood cells, activates folic acid.

The pyridoxine improves a host defense due to strengthening of antibody formation which by the nature are proteinaceous molecules, reduces an inflammation and puffiness of joints.

B6 vitamin for hair and nails is irreplaceable – it improves their structure and strengthens growth. The pyridoxine regulates process of production of skin fat on the head and slows down a hair loss.

Surplus and lack of B6 vitamin

Surplus of a pyridoxine because he water-soluble is also easily brought from an organism, is not observed.

The lack of B6 vitamin is shown by various pathological processes. So, for example, at shortage of a pyridoxine intake of glucose in brain cells worsens, and it is shown by fatigue, irritability, sleeplessness, easy fatigue, depression, bad mood.

In the conditions of a stress the expense of a pyridoxine is raised, it breaks balance of potassium, sodium and water, causes hypostases of legs, hands, faces.

At a lack of a pyridoxine there are obesity, anemia, a dermatosis, a chorea, peripheral neuropathy, a depression.

As maintenance drug at treatment of tuberculosis B6 vitamin in tablets is used for prevention of developing of neuritis.

If with food of people receives insufficient amount of this vitamin, it can be filled with use of special drugs. Produce B6 vitamin in ampoules in the form of 5% of solution. Parenteral administration is required when it is necessary to fill quickly shortage of this vitamin B an organism, and also at impossibility of its intake, for example, at vomiting or if absorption from intestines is broken.

Продукты, богатые витамином B6

For treatment of sideroblastny anemia B6 vitamin in tablets is accepted on 100 mg of 1 times a day.

It is used in complex treatment of spasms, parkinsonism, neuritis, radiculitis, Littl's disease. At parkinsonism B6 vitamin in ampoules is appointed on 100 mg once a day, by 20 – 25 injections to a course.

As B6 vitamin is very important for hair and their growth, it is added to a compounding of medical masks and shampoos.

Whether you know that:

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