B8 vitamin

B8 vitamin (inositol, inositol) – the vitaminopodobny substance synthesized from glucose in body tissues. Inositol in pure form represents white crystal powder, sweetish on taste. As well as we will dissolve other vitamins of group B, inositol in water, collapses under the influence of high temperatures. The organism synthesizes about 3/4 standard daily rates of B8 vitamin, other 25% have to be filled in an organism from a diet.

Семена кунжута и кунжутное масло – лидер по содержанию витамина B8

B8 vitamin: biological role of substance

B8 vitamin was discovered in 1848 by the German chemist Libikh, and in 1928 this substance was brought in classification of vitamins as B8. During the researches the vitamin B role a human body was established. B8 vitamin provides the normal course of exchange processes, being a part of many enzymes, activates lipidic exchange (than promotes active weight reduction), regulates cholesterol level, promoting thereby prevention of development of atherosclerosis, obesity and the other diseases provoked by excess weight.

B8 vitamin – one of the most important vitamins of group. Its deficit can lead to disturbance of many processes in an organism. The inositol stimulates activity of a brain, improves concentration of attention, stimulates cerebration, reduces fatigue of a brain, increases its ability to storing of information.

B8 vitamin provides momentum transfer between cells, is applied in treatment of disturbances of sensitivity of the nerve terminations and diseases connected with this disturbance. Inositol protects a liver from influence of harmful substances (toxins, alcohol, antibiotics, hormonal drugs). Vitaminopodobny substance interferes with growth of a fatty tissue around a liver. Inositol possesses antioxidant action, neutralizing and bringing the free radicals doing harm to cellular structures out of an organism.

This vitamin plays an important role in temporary use of reproductive function of both a male, and female body. B8 vitamin simulates division of an ovum, and also a reproduction of spermatozoa. Deficit of vitamin can lead to infertility.

Inositol contains in blood which transports this substance to those structures of an organism most of which need it. The greatest number of B8 vitamin is consumed by a retina and lens.

This vitamin is called beauty vitamin as it contributes to normalization of a metabolism, function of a liver, a condition of skin and a hair.

B8 vitamin for hair: vitamin routes of administration for a hair reconstruction

B8 vitamin for hair is the irreplaceable element promoting strengthening, recovery of structure of a hair, interfering with loss. This vitamin is a part of many cosmetics for skin and hair. Inositol regulates gas exchange in integuments that promotes maintenance of moisture content of hair.

To recovery of the injured hair B8 vitamin is recommended to apply in a complex. Loss, dimness of hair – one of signs of deficit of this element in an organism. B8 vitamin is a part of vitamin complexes. Regular reception of vitamins will help to prevent a further hair loss, and also to fill vitamin balance of an organism. The use of this vitamin for hair will not yield instant results.

To achievement of instant effect B8 vitamin for hair is recommended to apply outwardly. Choosing means for care of hair, it is necessary to give preference to as a part of what there are vitamins. B8 vitamin is recommended to buy in powder, adding a small portion of substance to shampoos, balms, masks for hair. It will help to add to hair additional gloss, to facilitate combing, also to prevent fragility and loss. B8 vitamin also as much as possible increases efficiency of vitamin E, one more important vitamin component promoting growth and strengthening of hair. Use of these vitamins B a complex in the form of applications will allow to recover quickly hair after various types of chemical, thermal damages, stressful states.

Irreplaceable source of B8 vitamin for an organism is food. At detection of symptoms of deficit of this vitamin it is also necessary to reconsider a diet, having added the products rich with inositol to food.

Collecting in cellular membranes back and a brain, inositol is used by an organism for elimination of effects of a stress. Any stresses negatively affect a condition of skin and a hair. The sufficient reserve of B8 vitamin promotes bystry recovery of a nervous system, and also prevents such reactions of an organism as loss, tarnishing, deterioration in structure of a hair, a head skin aggravation of symptoms.

Not less than 2 weeks recommend to apply B8 vitamin to a hair reconstruction, and also to repeat courses each 4-6 months depending on a condition of hair. External use of B8 vitamin is safe and does not demand preliminary consultation with the doctor.

B8 vitamin in products: symptoms of deficit and excess of vitamin B organism

B8 vitamin is normal synthesized by an organism. However additional sources are necessary for completion of standard daily rate of this substance in an organism. For normal functioning of an organism in day the person needs from 0,5 to 1,5 g of substance depending on the state of health, a way of life, associated diseases, exercise and intellectual stresses. Also big dosages of vitamin are necessary during active growth and development of an organism, to the weakened organism after the postponed diseases and powerful complex treatment using antibiotics, for the people abusing alcohol, coffee and other tonics.

The contained B8 vitamin in products is acquired by an organism in combination with vitamin E better. The highest concentration of B8 vitamin in products of plant origin:

  • Seeds of sesame and sesame oil – the leader in the content of B8 vitamin (sesame oil is recommended to be rubbed to the damaged sites of hair);
  • Whole grain;
  • Soy;
  • Bean;
  • Nuts;
  • Wheat germs;
  • Draws and sprouts;
  • Melon;
  • Citrus;
  • Cabbage.
Витамин B8 в продуктах растительного происхождения

Content of B8 vitamin in animal products:

  • Beef heart and brains;
  • Calf's liver, veal;
  • Pork;
  • Breast milk;
  • Caviar of fish.

Having entered these products into a diet it is possible to avoid deficit of vitamin which is shown by the following symptoms:

  • Sleeplessness, the increased uneasiness, depression, apathetic states, irritability, fatigue, disturbance of concentration of attention;
  • Aggravation of symptoms of skin and a hair – lack of elasticity, a scaly enanthesis, fragility, dimness, a hair loss;
  • Diseases of eyes, disturbance of visual function.

B8 vitamin is harmless to an organism. This substance possesses a hypotoxicity. The surplus of vitaminopodobny substance in an organism does not cause development of morbid conditions. In rare instances at overdose skin allergic reactions are observed.

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