B9 vitamin

According to statements of physicians, at people deficit of B9 vitamin is most often observed. And it plays a huge role in work of all organism: B9 vitamin is responsible for quality of blood – at its shortcoming the risk of development of an anemia significantly increases, he takes part in regulation of fatty and carbohydrate metabolism. B9 vitamin (folic acid) is directly involved in formation of new cells, including red blood cells. And B9 vitamin is simply necessary for women for growth of hair.

Витамин B9 - фолиевая кислота

Need of the person for B9 vitamin – folic acid

Most of all need for B9 vitamin is felt by pregnant women. They need to receive 800 mkg of B9 vitamin a day, and to nursing mothers – to 600 mkg. The healthy person needs 400 mkg of B9 vitamin. The people having alcoholism, and also at least periodically accepting alcohol have deficiency of B9 vitamin too. It concerns also the people using bactericidal drugs and diuretics. To fans to sunbathe in the sun, to the persons leading a slow-moving life, to teenagers availability of this vitamin B an organism is also very important for full development and growth.

Signs of a lack of B9 vitamin

  • Bystry fatigue;
  • Irritability;
  • Weakness;
  • Sleeplessness;
  • Depressions;
  • Neuralgic pains;
  • Inflammation of gums.

Especially often people of old age suffer from shortage of B9 vitamin. It is necessary to consider the fact that together with B9 vitamin enough vitamin C and B12 has to arrive. Without B12 vitamin in a human body the content of B9 vitamin in enough is impossible. Therefore it is so important to observe balance of these two useful substances.

The people having deficiency of B9 vitamin (folic acid) do not have enough forces to cope with the arising psychological problems. At them often bad mood and they show aggression, discontent. As soon as shortage is filled, all symptoms are eliminated.

Also shortage of folic acid is the reason of pre-natal abnormal fetation. It can provoke premature births and the birth of the defective child. Therefore at a stage of planning of pregnancy of the spouse have to begin reception of folic acid in tablets.

At a lack of B9 vitamin at girls puberty can be late. If the woman to a menopause receives enough this vitamin, then this period can be not only is facilitated, but also will remove for the long period.

The lack of folic acid negatively affects also a condition of hair, skin, mucous membranes. Therefore cosmetologists recommend to accept B9 vitamin for growth of hair.

Where B9 vitamin contains

  • Beef liver and poultry;
  • Yeast beer;
  • Oranges;
  • Spinach;
  • Boiled cabbage of broccoli;
  • Brussels sprout;
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Soy.

All green vegetables and greens are rich with folic acid: parsley, green salad, all species of cabbage, tops of vegetable of vegetables and leaves of a plantain, nettle, yarrow, mint, linden, dandelion, etc.

Содержание витамина B9 в продуктах

Cucumbers, beet, carrots, pumpkin, haricot, apricots, bananas are also rich with B9 vitamin. It is impossible to list all list of vegetable products where B9 vitamin contains. In animal products B9 vitamin is in meat, a liver of animals, fish, cottage cheese, milk, cheese, etc.

It is necessary to consider that we will dissolve B9 vitamin in water, when cooking it quickly collapses therefore for it high temperatures are pernicious. Products which are stored a long time do not keep it fully.

B9 vitamin surplus

It is almost unreal to receive its surplus through food stuffs in view of impossibility to use a large number of greens. It can arise in rare instances at reception of synthetic B9 vitamin. It is shown by a hyperexcitability, a sleep disorder. But such phenomenon in practice can be met very seldom.

Whether you know that:

Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.