Main > Diseases> Sialaden inflammation

Sialaden inflammation

Short description of a problem

Воспаление слюнной железы

To start several words about what is saliva, and what its function. On a mucosal surface of a cover of an oral cavity there are three couples of big sialadens and a set of smaller channels which develop a specific secret – saliva. It is necessary for us for normal course of processes of digestion, in particular, for wetting and a softening of firm pieces of food, formation of a food lump and a proglatyvaniye of food. The inflammation of a sialaden leads to the fact that it ceases to carry out the tasks assigned to it. As a result, problems with development of a secret and difficulty with a food proglatyvaniye appear. From this article you learn about why the sialaden inflammation to what effects it leads and as to fight against it begins to develop.

Typology of inflammations of sialadens

In an oral cavity of the person there are three couples of large glands. Most often the inflammation of a parotid sialaden which is caused by the reasons of epidemic and not epidemic character is diagnosed for patients. In medicine this disease carries the name "parotitis", and we want to talk about it in more detail. The epidemic inflammation of a sialaden which reasons are well-known and studied is an eurysynusic viral disease – a mumps. From the person to the person the infection is transmitted in the airborne way. Inflammatory process is followed by hypostasis of a sialaden and increase in its sizes. Most often the inflammation of a sialaden strikes children, but many cases when adults suffered from it are registered. At a due care, the forecast of treatment of an infection favorable, but is better not to allow its distribution at all for what it is necessary to isolate the diseased in time and to adhere to the anti-epidemic mode.

Not epidemic parotitis of a sialaden is shown owing to obstruction of an output channel by foreign bodys, injuries, a sialolithic disease. This form of a disease can also arise after operational intervention and the postponed infections (encephalitis, typhus, pneumonia, flu). If at the person not epidemic inflammation of a sialaden develops, symptoms are shown in the form of a painful swelling in an auricle, erubescence, the bulged ear lobe. Saliva of a normal consistence is not emitted. Instead of it the muddy secret or purulent liquid is found. Quite often the inflammation of a sialaden is followed by fervescence up to 39-40 degrees and pains when swallowing. Sometimes it is even difficult for patient to open a mouth because of severe pains in the field of an inflammation.

Let's note that adverse symptoms can disappear by itself after subsiding of acute inflammatory reaction. But you should not hope for good luck. At the diagnosis the sialaden inflammation, treatment has to be conducted in a complex, with observance of all established rules and procedures. Otherwise, increase of inflammatory process is capable to lead to purulent fusion of a part of gland and another serious complications.

We mentioned above that in most cases at the person the inflammation of a parotid sialaden develops, but at parotitis hypoglossal and submaxillary sialadens can also suffer. Both in the first, and in the second cases the disease has serious consequences in the form of inflammations of testicles, nerves, a meninx, kidneys, a pancreas.

Sialaden inflammation – treatment of a disease

Лечение воспаления слюнной железы

First of all, we will consider treatment of an acute form of an inflammation of a sialaden. It is based on use of the means strengthening salivation. To patients reception of one-percentage solution of Pilocarpinum or two-percent solution of iodide potassium is appointed. Along with it antibacterial therapy is performed, and physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out. The sialaden inflammation which symptoms demonstrate purulent fusion of a part of gland needs surgical treatment. At the same time an operative measure can be directed as to extraction of the foreign body which led to sad effects and to removal of all sialaden.

In a case with a chronic inflammation of a sialaden, treatment does not lead to an absolute recovery, but it temporarily improves a condition of the person and increases quality of his life. During the periods of an aggravation the antibiotics and means causing the increased salivation are accepted. Quite good results are shown by galvanization of sialadens. Besides, doctors use penicillin solution, йодлипол and novocainic blockade. Once again we will note that the patient should not count on full treatment, but antibacterial therapy bears fruit in the form of improvement of a state and prevention of serious complications.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.