Vulvitis - a disease at which inflammatory process extends to external genitals of the woman: big and small vulvar lips, entrance of the vagina and clitoris. Sometimes the vulvitis proceeds as an independent disease, but most often inflammatory process covers a mucous membrane and in a vagina. In such cases it is about a vulvovaginitis. The inflammation can develop as a result of influence of chemicals, mechanical damages, and also owing to penetration of an infection.
The vulvitis can appear irrespective of age of the patient. Distinguish primary vulvitis (noninfectious) which girls and women of advanced age most often are surprised. In the first case inflammatory process can begin because of features of anatomo-physiological character, in the second – owing to age changes in mucous generative organs. For women of childbearing age, the secondary vulvitis is generally characteristic (infectious) which arises against the background of an inflammation of internal generative organs.
Non-compliance with personal hygiene, existence of endocrine diseases, uncontrolled reception of antibiotics, cystitis, helminthic invasion, an intertrigo at obesity, a vitamin imbalance, and also influence of chemicals, high temperature and mechanical factors can become the reasons of primary vulvitis, in addition to physiological factors.
Such diseases as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, clamidiosis, herpes, intestinal infection and other diseases of the urinogenital sphere become a starting point for development of a secondary vulvitis most often.
The most characteristic symptoms of a vulvitis are: feeling of discomfort in external genitals, strong burning, an itch and morbidity. Unpleasant symptoms of a vulvitis disturb during walking, at sexual intercourse and an urination. Externally inflammatory process is shown by reddening and puffiness of generative organs: clitoris, entrance of the vagina, big and small lips. Very often during a disease allocations of various consistence, color and a smell are observed.
In the started cases symptoms of a vulvitis are shown on mucous membranes - ulcers and erosion are formed. When healing on these places the hems deforming a surface of generative organs that leads further to complications in sex life are formed. In certain cases the vulvitis at children is followed by commissural process at which there is an union of small vulvar lips or a synechia. The similar complication at a vulvitis can become the reason of infertility and disturbances in intimate life.
Self-treatment at a vulvitis, despite the seeming ease of a disease, does not recommend to engaged. Not always it is clear, it is an independent disease or accompanying. Quite often in parallel additional treatment of a vulvitis from such specialists as the endocrinologist, the allergist or the dermatologist is required. Besides the undertreated vulvitis from an acute stage can pass into a chronic form that is fraught with the periodic repetitions of a disease which are negatively influencing immune system generally and quality of intimate life in particular.
Therefore at the first signs of an inflammation in external genitals consultation of the gynecologist is necessary. On the basis of laboratory and clinical trials, and also visual survey the diagnosis is exposed and the corresponding therapy is appointed.
At primary vulvitis treatment consists in use of trays with broths of the medicative herbs having disinfecting and antiinflammatory properties. Use of powders, ointments or creams of similar action is allowed. At detection of a secondary vulvitis medical therapy is directed to elimination of the specific activator which caused a disease. Here antibiotics, antimicrobic and antifungal medicines in the form of various dosage forms are used. In addition for removal of local symptoms as well as at primary vulvitis, trays with broths of herbs are recommended. During treatment of a vulvitis sex life is completely excluded.
Most often helminths therefore in addition to the main treatment antivermicular drugs are appointed are a vulvitis origin at children. For treatment of a vulvitis at children also the drugs possessing the desensibilizing action, for example, drugs of calcium and antiallergic means are used. If reduced immunity served as the reason of a vulvitis, then reception of immunostimulators and vitamins is appointed. At an acute form of a vulvitis the bed rest is shown to the child.
For sick all age observance of a diet where flour products, spicy, smoked and salty food are excluded is recommended. It is necessary to use fermented milk products, greens, fruit and vegetables.
The most important in prevention of a vulvitis – observance of rules of personal hygiene. It is undesirable to use for a podmyvaniye the soap and detergents possessing antibacterial action as not only harmful microorganisms, but also useful microflora are destroyed. As a result the mucous membrane becomes not capable to resist to penetration into an organism of causative agents of diseases.
At prevention of a vulvitis it is necessary to strengthen constantly immunity, to carry out deworming, to timely liquidate the infection centers in an organism and to treat chronic diseases of somatic character (a diabetes mellitus, obesity and others).
The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.
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