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Exit from a diet

After the period of a diet ended, fine results were achieved, the body became harmonious and tightened, for certain interests you how it is correct to leave a diet that the dumped kilograms did not return back? Of course, it is impossible to be returned to a former food allowance sharply at all as carbohydrate-rich food will quickly return the lost kilograms back. It is possible to avoid it, knowing as it is correct to leave a diet.Как правильно выходить из диеты? Постепенно!

How to leave a diet: general principles

Exit from a diet will depend on type of the diet chosen earlier, however there are several general principles observed at an exit from any diet namely:

1. The amount of the consumed vegetables and fruit has to be gradually increased in a diet, it is preferable in a boiled view with gradual transition to crude;

2. Gradual addition (if on a diet were prohibited) or increase in consumption of low-fat grades of meat and fish;

3. For two weeks it is necessary to add to a daily diet 200 kcal of fats and carbohydrates in the form of dark chocolate, whole-grain bread and fruit (avocado and grapes);

4. Sports activities with gradual increase of intensity of trainings. Important after the diet is ended, not to overload already weakened organism with heavy exercise stresses. It is necessary gradually, week after a week, to increase number and intensity of trainings, and it is possible to begin with simple walking on foot, drivings by bicycle or yogas;

5. The use not less than two liters of water daily taking into account that this number includes only herbal tea, freshly squeezed juice and clear water, other drinks are not taken into the account;

6. Important also at an exit from a diet to accept polyvitaminic complexes which will help an organism to be recovered quicker and will supply it with necessary nutrients;

7. It is necessary to eat food in the concentrated state, it is desirable to exclude at the same time viewing of the TV, reading books or newspapers, and also conversations and a talk. It will become only this way clear when the organism is saturated, and it will save it from an overeating;

8. Meal has to be to 5 or 6 one-time and small portions as it will help a stomach easier to digest the arrived food;

9. It is forbidden to eat later, than in 3-4 hours prior to a dream. In cases when there is a feeling of hunger better to eat a few dried fruits or the porridge made on water;

10. Exit term from a diet should not exceed two weeks after which it is necessary to pass to healthy and healthy nutrition completely.

As it is correct to leave a diet: monodiet

If you do not know how it is correct to leave the diet based on reception of one product (monodiet), then it is necessary to understand: to begin to include sharply in a diet a large number of various products categorically is impossible. The main principle to which it is necessary to adhere at an exit from a diet of this look – daily addition of new products on only 50 kcal a day.

How to leave a diet: buckwheat diet

After the two-week diet on buckwheat is ended, in the first day of an exit from a diet it is necessary to replace hotly favourite porridge with a breakfast with the fat-free yogurt with apple or orange. Other meals in the same day have to consist of buckwheat still. For the second day already instead of yogurt it is possible to use 50 g of low-fat cheese, and the fat-free yogurt can be the second breakfast. So over and over again, day after day, dairy products, eggs of various way of preparation, fruit, vegetables, and then fish and meat are entered into a day diet. In a week an exit from a diet comes to an end, and it is possible to enter into a day diet gradually earlier favourite products, however within limits, otherwise the lost weight will surely return.Срок выхода из диеты - неделя

How to leave a diet: proteinaceous diet

At observance of the Kremlin diet or proteinaceous diet of Dyukan it is necessary to reconcile to the fact that an exit from a diet will be long and will last for half a year and more at once. The matter is that the diets limiting consumption of carbohydrates yield bystry results, however how to leave a diet so that not to gain the left weight, consuming carbohydrates, not everyone knows. It is necessary to understand that daily consumption of carbohydrates should not exceed 60 g a day and if there was an overeating, then the next day has to be unloading. As it is possible to leave a diet on proteins only throughout a long span to accelerate this process it is possible to enter three times a week two-hour fitness classes which will allow to increase amount of the consumed carbohydrates to 120 g a day. However consumption of high-carbohydrate products, such as cakes, pastries and other confectionery, can take place in small quantities of times a month and no more than that.

How to leave a diet: low-calorie diet

There are two ways of the correct exit from the diet based on reception of low-calorie products. In the first case daily caloric content needs gradually to be increased by 200 kcal due to consumption more of carbohydrates, than fats. For two weeks it is necessary to be weighed daily if weight is not returned, it will be daily possible to consume more on 200 kcal of carbohydrate food. If weight began to increase, then it is necessary to reduce consumption of number of calories to former again until the organism is not ready to addition of the consumed food. The second option is applied at an exit from a diet by those who by means of a diet lost weight by 5 kg and more. To hope especially in this case there is nothing as to adhere to a diet of the diet which allowed to lose such weight, it is necessary and further, however the use of 30 g of high-carbohydrate products (ice cream, pastries, etc.) weekly is authorized.

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