Prolapse of the rectum – a disease at which the rectum from normal anatomic situation appears partially or completely outside an anus.
The prolapse of the rectum can occur as without any collateral symptoms, and can be followed by mucous allocations, rectal bleedings and sudden defecation.
At children the prolapse of the rectum preferential happens aged from one year up to four years and, is generally connected with long sitting of the child on a pot and the use of small amount of liquid. At women the prolapse of the rectum is connected with growth of polyps or tumors on intestines walls, tension during defecation, weakness of muscles of a pelvic bottom, damage of fabrics at the time of delivery or can be an effect of surgical intervention. In rare instances the disease threatens human life, however symptoms can be quite wearisome if not to be treated timely. The prolapse of the rectum at women of advanced age happens much more often than at men or at children.
Complications at a disease meet extremely seldom, however at untimely treatment there can be severe rectal bleedings, prostate adenoma, and seldom or never there can be a cancer tumor on that part of a rectum which went beyond an anus.
Symptoms of a prolapse of the rectum are:
Reasons of a prolapse of the rectum
A number of factors can promote development of a prolapse of the rectum. It can happen because of constant tension during defecation or to be an effect of childbirth, in rare instances genetic predisposition can bring to it.
Sometimes weakening of a proctal sphincter and sprain which hold a rectum in the field of a basin are the reasons of a prolapse of the rectum. Also the prolapse of the rectum can be result of the generalized dysfunction of a pelvic bottom, in combination with an incontience of urine and a prolapse of pelvic bodies. Disturbances or diseases of a spinal cord can also be the reasons of a prolapse of the rectum.
To risk factors of a prolapse of the rectum at children the mucoviscidosis and tension are during defecation. Often treatment of a prolapse of the rectum at children is carried out by conservative methods under control of the doctor in house conditions.
If a prolapse of the rectum at the child partial, then it is possible to try to conduct treatment independently what it is necessary for:
If rectum tissue hardly moves back to an anus it is necessary to stop doing the procedure independently and to see a doctor.
At adults treatment of a prolapse of the rectum is performed by means of surgical intervention, however there is no right medical treatment for this disease only. The most widespread procedures of surgical treatment of a prolapse of the rectum are:
To tell even the shortest and simple words, we involve 72 muscles.
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