Main > Drugs> Vibrotsil


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 218 rub.

Виброцил - спрей для носаVibrotsil – the combined drug with antiallergic and vasoconstrictive action applied at treatment of rhinitises.

Form of release and structure

Vibrotsil release in three dosage forms:

  • Drops are nasal: from colourless till weak-yellow color the transparent solution having a slight smell of a lavender (on 15 ml in dark glass bottles with the screw-on cover pipette, on 1 bottle in a cardboard pack);
  • Spray nasal: from colourless till weak-yellow color the transparent solution having a slight smell of a lavender (on 10 ml in bottles from polyethylene of low density with the sprayer and the screw-on cover with the control system of the first opening, on 1 bottle in a cardboard pack);
  • Gel nasal: from colourless till weak-yellow color, homogeneous, without foreign mechanical particles, the having slight smell of a lavender (on 12 g in aluminum tubas with a plastic cover and a tip, on 1 tuba in a cardboard pack).

The structure of 1 ml of drops and spray and 1 g of gel includes active agents:

  • Phenylephrinum – 2,5 mg;
  • Maleate of a dimetinden – 0,25 mg.

The auxiliary components which are a part of drops: sorbitol – 35 mg; 50% chloride solution a benzalkoniya (in terms of chloride a benzalkoniya) – 0,2 mg (0,1 mg); sodium hydrophosphate – 4,4 mg; monohydrate of citric acid – 2,6 mg; lavender oil – 0,2 mg; the purified water – to 1 ml.

The auxiliary components which are a part of spray: sorbitol – 35 mg; hydrosodium phosphate – 4,4 mg; monohydrate of citric acid – 2,6 mg; lavender oil – 0,2 mg; 50% chloride solution a benzalkoniya (chloride a benzalkoniya) – 0,2 mg (0,1 mg); the purified water – to 1 ml.

The auxiliary components which are a part of gel: lavender oil – 0,2 mg; anhydrous hydrosodium phosphate – 4,4 mg; monohydrate of citric acid – 2,6 mg; a gipromelloza – 20 mg; sorbitol – 35 mg; 50% solution a chloride benzalkoniya (in terms of dry matter) – 0,2 mg (0,1 mg); the purified water – 935 mg.

Indications to use

  • Vasculomotor and chronic rhinitis;
  • Allergic rhinitis (including arising at hay fever);
  • Acute rhinitis, including cold at catarrhal diseases;
  • Chronic and acute sinusitis;
  • Acute average otitis (along with other drugs).

Also Vibrotsil apply by preparation for surgical interventions in a nose and to elimination of hypostasis of a mucous membrane of adnexal bosoms and a nose after carrying out operations in this area.


The general for all dosage forms are the following contraindications:

  • Atrophic rhinitis (with fetid separated – an ozena, inclusive);
  • Concomitant use with MAO inhibitors, and also earlier, than in 14 days after the end of their use;
  • Hypersensitivity to drug components.

Children can appoint spray and gel of 6 years.

Because of possible systemic vasoconstrictive action of Phenylephrinum, drug is not recommended to be used when feeding by a breast and during pregnancy.

Vibrotsil it is necessary to apply with care at the following diseases:

  • Closed-angle glaucoma;
  • Diseases of a thyroid gland;
  • Cardiovascular diseases (generalized atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, arterial hypertension);
  • Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • Prostate adenoma.

As well as at use of any local vasoconstrictors, need to be careful at purpose of drug the patients having the expressed reactions to sympathomimetics (for example, with development of dizziness and sleeplessness).

Route of administration and dosage

Vibrotsil apply intranazalno. Before administration of drug it is necessary to clear the nasal courses.

The single dose for children of 6 years and adults usually makes 3-4 drops or 1-2 vspryskivaniye in each nasal course. Frequency rate of use – 3-4 times a day.

To children 6 years perhaps drug use only in the form of drops are younger:

  • Till 1 year – on 1 drop;
  • 1-6 years – on 1-2 drops.

Frequency rate of use – 3-4 times a day.

Drops dig in, having thrown back the head. Such position of the head should be kept within several minutes after the procedure.

When using spray the sprayer needs to be held vertically, a tip up. The tip is inserted into the nasal course. Holding the head directly, the sprayer is squeezed 1 time the short sharp movement and unclenched, having taken out a tip from a nose. During a vspryskivaniye it is recommended to inhale slightly through a nose.

Gel needs to be applied 3-4 times a day as it is possible more deeply in each nasal course. The last application is recommended to be carried out shortly before a dream. It will allow to provide effect during the whole night.

Side effects

At Vibrotsil's use side effects develop infrequently in the form of the passing and poorly expressed local reactions from a mucous membrane of a nose (feeling of dryness or burning).

Special instructions

In any of forms of release 7 days without consultation with the doctor are longer not recommended to use drug. Long (more than 14 days) or excessive use can lead to development of a tachyphylaxis and effect of a ricochet (medicamentous rhinitis), and also to development of systemic vasoconstrictive action.

To avoid development of manifestations of systemic action of Vibrotsil it is necessary to observe the doses recommended in the instruction.

Drug in the form of gel is especially shown at a xeromycteria and existence of crusts, at treatment of effects of an injury of a nose, and also for the prevention of emergence of a congestion of a nose at night.

Vibrotsil has no sedative effect. Drug does not influence the speed of psychomotor reactions and to ability to manage motor transport and mechanisms.

Medicinal interaction

Vibrotsil it is not necessary to appoint along with beta adrenoblockers and tricyclic antidepressants.

Terms and storage conditions

To store in the place, unavailable to children.

Period of validity: spray – 2 years at a temperature up to 25 °C. drops and gel – 3 years at a temperature up to 30 °C.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Vibrotsil gel 12 of

218 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Vibrotsil spray of nasal 10 ml

268 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Vibrotsil of a drop nasal 15 ml, Novartis Consumer Health/Novartis

272 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Vibrotsil of a drop nasal 15 ml

276 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Vibrotsil spray of nasal 10 ml, Novartis Consumer Health/Novartis

277 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Vibrotsil gel 12 of, Novartis Consumer Health/Novartis

294 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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