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Stomach ulcer

Stomach ulcer is called the deep defect of a mucous membrane of a stomach which is formed as a result of the inflammatory process caused by a disturbing factor. The disease at which in a stomach the ulcer is formed is called a peptic ulcer of a stomach. This often found disease which is suffered by about 10% of the population, and men several times more often than women.

Reasons of a peptic ulcer

Язва желудкаSeveral factors, their basic which contamination of Helicobacter pylory is participate in ulceration of a stomach. Long time was considered that in very acid medium of gastric contents of a bacterium do not survive while at the end of the XX century it was not convincingly proved that Helicobacter pylory microorganism not just survives there, but also is the main link in origins of inflammatory diseases of a stomach and duodenum.

Other factors promoting development of a peptic ulcer of a stomach are:

  • The frequent use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, наклофен, the ibuprofen, indometacin, did not knead and so forth)
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Rough errors in food;
  • Psychogenic factors (stresses);
  • Alcoholism;
  • Constant burn of a mucous membrane of a stomach hot food.

Stomach ulcer symptoms

The main symptom of stomach ulcer – severe pain in epigastric (epigastriß) area. The hungry pains arising in several hours after meal are inherent to a peptic ulcer of a stomach, and it is frequent also at night. Pain abates after meal or antiacid (reducing acidity) drugs.

The dispeptic phenomena indicating disorder of process of digestion belong to other symptoms of stomach ulcer: the heartburn, an eructation, nausea, sometimes the vomiting acid gastric contents arising at severe pain and giving some relief in this connection sometimes patients with stomach ulcer cause vomiting during a painful attack. The person suffering from a peptic ulcer of a stomach loses weight, its integuments look pale, appetite and vitality decrease.

Sometimes in gastric contents, and sometimes and in Calais blood appears. It occurs when the vessel is involved in ulcer process. Clots can be red color, but can be and dark, almost black that sometimes misleads. Release of blood with an emetic or fecal masses can be not only a symptom of stomach ulcer, but also a symptom of a malignant tumor therefore demands the urgent address to the doctor.

Diagnosis of stomach ulcer

Симптомы язвы желудкаNow diagnosis of stomach ulcer is carried out on the basis of an endoscopic research. The method is called the fibrogastroscopy (FGS), during it through a gullet the thin flexible tool supplied with a light source and the camera broadcasting the image on the monitor is entered into a stomach. It allows to see ulcer defect of a mucous membrane of a stomach, to define its localization and the sizes. Earlier widely used method of contrast roentgenoscopy is used still, but has only auxiliary value.

Laboratory researches of gastric and intestinal contents on existence of a helikobakteriya and the occult blood are conducted, for assessment of the general condition of an organism the general blood tests and urine are appointed.

Treatment of a peptic ulcer of a stomach

Tens if not hundreds of years the peptic ulcer of a stomach was considered as an incurable disease at which to help and that is not always effective, only surgery could. After opening of the main reason for a disease, namely, contamination of Helicobacter pylori, treatment of a peptic ulcer of a stomach it began to be carried out by therapeutic means, first of all reception of antibiotics. Now the gold standard of treatment of stomach ulcer is the trekhkomponetnty therapy including: the drug which is inhibitor of the proton pump (омепразол and to it similar), bismuth drug, a concomitant use of two antibacterial drugs.

Antacids – the means reducing acidity of gastric contents are in parallel appointed. Such treatment allows to cure in most cases stomach ulcer within two weeks.

One of the most important moments of treatment of stomach ulcer is observance of a diet and diet. Same serves also as the main preventive measure directed to the prevention of a recurrence. The diet at stomach ulcer has to be balanced, containing enough nutrients, at the same time the products irritating a mucous membrane of a stomach are excluded (alcohol, coffee, strong tea, hot spices, smoking, a pickles, etc.). Food is served in thermally processed (suppression, cooking, roasting or processing the ferry, frying in oil is excluded) and the ground look. Food has to be fractional – small portions of 4-5 times a day, in certain time. The diet at stomach ulcer has to become a way of life if not for the rest of life, then for several years even after achievement of remission though during this period some of its mitigation, otherwise perhaps repeated development of a peptic ulcer of a stomach as there is a predisposition to it and a possibility of repeated infection with a helikobakteriya is admissible.

Лечение язвы желудка березовыми почкамиSurgical treatment of a peptic ulcer of a stomach is applied at the persistent, not giving in to therapy ulcers, and also at high risk of development of complications (a stomach wall perforation, bleeding). In this case the site of a stomach containing ulcer defect is excised, drug treatment of stomach ulcer, for prevention of a recurrence of a disease is in parallel appointed.

In the rehabilitation period treatment of a peptic ulcer of a stomach is carried out by means of physical therapy, and also balneological methods. Carry out fortifying procedures, change of a way of life on healthier and refusal of addictions (smoking, alcohol intake, the use of fast food and other unhealthy food) is extremely recommended.

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