Application instruction:
Yogurt – means for normalization of an indestinal flora.
As a part of the drug Yoghurt there are lactobacilli which inhabit a normal indestinal flora, render the vitaminoobrazuyushchy, detoksikatsionny, digesting, immunopromoting effect.
Yogurt shows activity against a protea, stafilokokk, mushrooms Candida, an intestinal enteropathogenic stick – it occurs thanks to ability of lactobacilli to develop laktotsina, acid milk, propylene, acetic a lysozyme. Besides, lactobacilli lower pH of intestinal contents, prevent reproduction of pathogenic, opportunistic flora, prevent hit of food-borne, bacterial allergens, endotoxins in blood from intestines.
Life activity of the bacteria which are a part of drug remains at its passing on a stomach, a duodenum, a gullet, bacteria continue to grow in the environment containing 1% of bile. All this provides passing of bacteria to a small, large intestine.
Produce Yoghurt in capsules, tablets.
According to the instruction Yoghurt in capsules is appointed for treatment, prevention of a chronic, acute gastroenteritis at adults, children, for treatment and prevention of generalized, local dysbacteriosis, complex treatment of allergic diseases.
Patients, it is contraindicated to them to take fermented milk products, for prevention of dysbacteriosis during passing of an antibioticotherapia, beam, chemotherapy can also apply the tablets Yoghurt.
Children after three months of the Yoghurt capsule are given one р / day on 0,5-1 piece.
To children 1-3g. – one, two capsules / day; to children 3-12l. three give drug р / day on one capsule; to children after 12 l., the adult appoint to accept one, two capsules three р / day. Treatment lasts 25-30dn., if there is a need, it is possible to complete a repeated course.
In the preventive purposes adults, children after 12 l. accept drug on one capsule / day, children to 12 l. – 0,5 capsules.
To patients, children, it is difficult to them to swallow the capsule, recommend to accept crushed, mixed with food or liquid of the tablet Yoghurt.
Capsules, the tablets Yoghurt do not cause side effects.
According to the instruction Yoghurt in capsules has no contraindications.
Drug can be included in structure of complex treatment along with streptocides, antibiotics, metronidazole.
Name of drug
Leovit Bioslimika a bar protein yogurt with a lemon of 40 g, Leovit нутрио (г.Москва)
36 rub.
Spark Fat Yoghurt the mask rejuvenating for skin with withering signs 1 pieces
51 rub.
Styx cream for the person YOGHURT фл 50 ml of Styx
1219 rub.
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