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Симптомы запораLock call disturbance of evacuation of excrements from an organism. At a lock there is more rare, than follows, and also incomplete bowel emptying. The lock can be independent pathology, but sometimes testifies to the available digestive tract disease.

Lock at adults – the most frequent disturbance of activity of digestive tract which more than a half of people in a varying degree faces and at advanced age – about 75%, however suffer from locks also children.

The lock can be the isolated case connected with the changed conditions of receipt of food and a situation, stressful for an organism, however see a doctor more often with a chronic lock when problems with bowel emptying are present regularly, being shown from time to time, or in general are constants. The chronic lock is a serious problem which demands delivery of health care, otherwise the organism resides in the mode of self-poisoning with the toxic substances which are not removed from an organism that is fraught with very serious consequences.

Reasons of locks

The reasons of locks there can be a set, from the use of the food poor in vegetable fibers, to heavy oncological pathology. Failure on any site of advance of food on digestive tract, and also nervous control of this process and the act of defecation can cause a lock.

Allocate the most frequent reasons of locks which treat:

  1. inadequate diet of food, in particular, food the refined, processed products with the insufficient content of vegetable fibers;
  2. slow-moving way of life that influences development of developments of stagnation in a small basin and on delay of evacuation of contents of intestines because of slackness of muscles;
  3. exposure to stresses and lack of the arranged life rhythm;
  4. abuse of medicines, including laxative;
  5. the available general diseases.

Причины запораThe last group includes a set of diseases at which the lock is a characteristic sign. It can be diseases of a spinal cord, a diabetes mellitus, intestines tumors, general autoimmune diseases, hemorrhoids, and also injuries of intestines and an anus.

Disturbance of a usual way of life or food, for example, during the travel happens the reason of a lock incidental more often.

Lock symptoms

Treat symptoms of a lock:

  • chair delay;
  • feeling of weight and abdominal distention;
  • the act of defecation demands muscular efforts;
  • too dense and dry kcal, kcal in the form of balls;
  • even after the act of defecation feeling of insufficient bowel emptying;

In addition to these main symptoms of a lock, the chronic lock can be shown by symptoms of dyspepsia: hyporexia, heartburn, nausea, abdominal pains, meteorism. At a chronic lock there is organism intoxication that is shown by the general deterioration in health: decrease in a tone, fatigue, febricula, acrimony, sleep disorder, headaches.

As for the term during which it is possible to diagnose with confidence a lock then there is no uniform criterion as bowel emptying frequency at each person is individual. Norm the defecation coming from three times a day to three weekly on condition of a soft chair and good health is considered. In medical literature it is mentioned that for small group of people norm is defecation no more once a week that needs also to be considered. Therefore at one person the defecation delay for days, at another – on three, and at the third - for a week can be considered as a lock.

Diagnosis of a lock

The diagnosis of a lock does not present difficulty, and is put on the basis of complaints of the patient to characteristic symptoms of a lock. It is more difficult to establish the reason of locks. Usually conduct laboratory blood analyses, urine and a calla, including the analysis a calla on the maintenance of bacteria for the purpose of detection of dysbacteriosis, then investigate intestines by means of ultrasonography or methods of roentgenoscopy. The kolonoskopiya or a retromanoskopiya can be required. At suspicion of a disease of digestive tract which symptom was the lock conduct full gastroenterological examination.

Treatment of locks

Лечение запора народными методамиTreatment of an incidental lock at the adult consists in reception of a purgative, and soft laxative of a plant origin is desirable. Also as remedy it is possible to make an enema of liter of water of room temperature.

Treatment of a chronic lock is never performed by means of medicamentous means or enemas as they cause accustoming, and further bowel emptying without these means will be complicated. In sum, at prolonged use they only aggravate the available problem. If there are serious violations in an organism, for example, a tumor or an inflammation of a large intestine, medicamentous means can lead to a sharp aggravation of symptoms of health, so, that the emergency hospitalization will be required.

Choosing means from a lock, it is necessary to pay attention not only to speed of drug, but also to its ability to normalization of work of intestines. Many medicines activate work of intestines temporarily and only on condition of their constant use, thereby creating effect of accustoming to active ingredients of laxative. Among means which do not cause accustoming Regulamin is rather often applied. It consists of 100% of the food fibers helping to normalize regular work of intestines. Use of this means adjusts a natural rhythm of functioning of intestines and normalize a chair in 7-10 days, at the same time it does not cause accustoming from a GIT. Regulamin it is possible to include in the daily diet as a rich source of cellulose which is necessary for our healthy nutrition.

The main medical measures at a chronic lock look as follows:

  • identification of the reason of a lock and its elimination;
  • the balanced diet of food including enough the rough cellulose which is contained in coarse flour, the raw fruit and vegetables. For prevention of a lock it is also good to use daily a handful of dried fruits;
  • normalization of a way of life. There is much more effectively defecation when there is a daily routine. The organism "gets used" to remove excrement in certain time. Also well on all process of digestion including removal of waste is influenced by a habit to eat food at the same time;
  • observance of the drinking mode. Sometimes chronic dehydration of an organism is the reason of a lock. Reception of enough water helps the correct work of intestines;
  • refusal of reception of the medicines causing tendency to a lock;
  • increase in a physical activity. If you have a tendency to locks because of a slow-moving way of life, you need to eliminate this factor. Try to walk more in the fresh air, to play outdoor games. Very well a number of exercises under the name Shank - Prakshalana which are directly directed to defecation stimulation helps to cope with locks of the yogi, in particular;
  • refusal of alcohol intake. Alcohol can become the lock reason as alcohol intake causes dehydration. At chronic locks alcohol is contraindicated.

Whether you know that:

Work which to the person not to liking, is much more harmful to his mentality, than lack of work in general.