Main > Human organs> Stomach


The stomach – represents the hollow body which is a tank for digestion of food. It is located between a gullet and a duodenum. After crushing in an oral cavity food gets into a stomach where it collects and partially is digested under the influence of the gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid and some digestive enzymes. These enzymes promote a proteopepsis and partial splitting of fats.


The gastric juice possesses the expressed bactericidal action. Thanks to it it perniciously affects many causative organisms which can get to a gastric cavity together with substandard food. Is well-known such fact that people with high acidity of a stomach practically never get sick with cholera.

The gastric juice contains also special mucous substance – mucin, protecting stomach walls from self-digestion.

Stomach structure

The stomach is the muscular hollow body by the outward reminding a letter J. Length of its convex lower contour called by big curvature of a stomach is three times more, than a concave upper contour (small curvature).

The stomach can conditionally be divided into three parts:

  • The cardial department – includes a junction of a gullet and stomach (cardial opening) and a greater cul-de-sac;
  • Stomach body – its middle part;
  • The gatekeeper or peloric department – a stomach junction with a duodenum.

The stomach consists of four covers. Inside there is a mucous membrane which cells develop a gastric juice and enzymes. After it the submucosa is located. It is presented by fibers of connecting fabric between which there are nerves, circulatory and absorbent vessels. The following cover consists of smooth muscle fibers, and outside it is covered with a serous cover.

The volume of an empty stomach makes about a half of liter. When filling by its food it can stretch to four liters.

Acidity of a stomach

The general acidity of a stomach depends on contents in a gastric juice of the hydrochloric acid produced by the obkladochny (parietal) cells which are available in a mucous membrane. Acidity of a stomach is also defined by quantity of obkladochny cells and alkaline components which are contained in a gastric juice neutralizing the general acidity.

Stomach diseases

Various pathologies of digestive organs including stomach diseases most often occur among all diseases of internals: gastritises (acute and chronic), peptic ulcer, cancer. At all these diseases there is such symptom as stomach aches. These pains can have the most various character: aching, acute, pristupoobrazny. Quite often stomach aches are connected with meal. So, for example, at a peptic ulcer of a stomach ache arise after meal, and at a canker of a duodenum the pains disappearing after food, so-called "hungry" pains are characteristic.

The gastroenterologist is engaged in treatment of a stomach. For statement of the correct diagnosis in gastroenterology various tool diagnostic methods are used: ezofagoskopiya, gastroduodenoskopiya, ultrasonography, laparoscopy, etc. These methods are rather simple, safe and rather informative.

The modern gastroenterology has a big arsenal of the medicamentous means allowing to carry out treatment of a stomach by conservative methods. Resort to surgical treatment only in cases when drug treatment does not result in due effect, and also in the presence of malignant new growths of a stomach or massive bleeding.

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