Main > Diseases> An itch in an anus

Itch in an anus

Itch in an anus – sensation of pain in a modified form. The nature of emergence of this unpleasant Зуд в заднем проходе может появиться при частом использовании слабительных feeling is very difficult and studied not up to the end. By the origin nature the itch can be both pathological, and physiological. The physiological itch can arise when crawling insects on skin, at contact with plants. Various frustration of a nervous system, a disease of the digestive system, diabetes, exchange disturbances, blood diseases, infectious diseases, toxicosis of pregnant women, helminthic invasions can be shown in the form of a pathological itch. Distinguish an itch limited (localized) and generalized. The itch in an anus can arise at any age. He can independently pass, but at regular feelings of an itch it is necessary to see a doctor to define his reason.

The possible reasons of an itch in an anus

The itch around an anus can demonstrate presence of worms. If the itch amplifies at night, then pinworms can quite be the cause of discomfort. Helminthic invasions most often become the itch reason at children. If in the mornings the child is irritable, sleeps badly at night and combs the pruritic place, then it is necessary to hand over kcal of the kid for carrying out the analysis on existence of egg a worm. The diaper dermatitis can be the cause of an itch at children. At a diaper dermatitis the irritation of a crotch and area of generative organs quickly extends also to area of an anus.

Anus cracks, fistulas can be the itch reasons in an anus. Frequent locks lead to formation of volume fecal masses. An exit of fecal masses quite often is followed by microcracks. At infection of microcracks the itch amplifies, becomes intolerable and constant.

The itch quite often arises at eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, pubic louses, and also in the period of the milkwoman's aggravation at women.

The itch in an anus can develop at frequent use of laxatives on the basis of salts, from irritation when using the toilet paper made using fragrances or dyes.

Internal diseases (liver diseases, a diabetes mellitus, pancreas diseases, intoxication, dysbacteriosis), hemorrhoids also quite often are followed by an itch.

People with an excess weight and the strengthened sweating also suffer from an itch around an anus.

Treatment of an itch in an anus

At an itch of any origin it is necessary to follow rules of personal hygiene. After the act of defecation it is recommended to use wet hypoallergenic towel wipes. At emergence of an itch it is necessary to refuse alcohol, fried and salty, spicy food. It is desirable to refuse synthetic underwear also. It does not pass air, creating greenhouse effect and causing excessive sweating.

At dermatitis it is necessary to use special ointments. For dehumidification it is necessary to use salicylic or zinc oxide ointment. At a fungus ointments with activity to this type of a fungus (Triderm, Onabet, Clotrimazolum, Posterizan) are appointed. At hemorrhoids such drugs as Proktozan, Relif, Aurobin, Ultraprokt, Bezornil, Detralex are usually appointed.

Treatment of worms is based on purpose of such drugs as Pyrantelum, Albendazole, Metronidazole, Vormil, Dekaris, Vermoxum.

At a diaper Зуд вокруг заднего прохода может свидетельствовать о наличии глистовdermatitis the thicket needs to change to the kid of a diaper or diapers, not to leave the child in wet diapers. For dehumidification of the angry skin of the kid it is possible to use children's powders.

If the itch reason in internal diseases, then it is necessary to treat diseases.

Around an anus it is possible to apply bathtubs with addition of broth from medicinal plants (oak bark, a train, birch kidneys, a pharmaceutical camomile) to calm of an itch. Also the following recipes from a green drugstore help from an itch:

  • in equal shares to take a grass of a field scabious field, walnut leaves, burdock roots, a grass of a camomile pharmaceutical. To boil one tablespoon of mix in one glass of water fifteen minutes. To filter and accept on a half of a glass three times a day;
  • to mix and crush seven tablespoons of bark of an oak, bark of a buckthorn, willow bark. To fill in two tablespoons of collecting with boiled water liter, to weary on weak fire five-seven minutes, to draw half an hour, to filter. To accept the received broth on one teaspoon three times a day;
  • to take one part of a celandine, on three parts of a yarrow ordinary, the St. John's Wort which is made a hole of a camomile medicinal. To fill in two tablespoons of collecting with a glass of boiled water, to insist in heat about two hours. To accept at an itch in an anus on a half of a glass three-four times a day;
  • to take mint leaves, a yarrow grass, flowers of a camomile medicinal in equal shares. To fill in two tablespoons of collecting with a glass of boiled water, to boil five minutes and to insist about two hours. To filter and accept the prepared broth on a half of a glass three times a day.

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