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Carbohydrates for weight loss

Many people consider that to use carbohydrates for weight loss – senseless business. Турецкий горох - медленные углеводы для похуденияSuch opinion developed because all know – sweets and candies are and there are carbohydrates, and from their use do not grow thin but only they recover.

Role of carbohydrates in an organism

Carbohydrates along with proteins and fats are very important components of a diet. At their transformation in an organism a lot of energy, necessary as for various processes of life activity in an organism, and for the movement, commission of some actions is emitted.

The chemical remains of carbohydrates can be a component of more complex substances and components of cells, to be a part of receptors on a surface of cells.

What carbohydrates for weight loss happen?

Carbohydrates on a structure divide into two groups:

  • Simple (bystry);
  • Difficult (slow).

Their second name reflects also the speed with which molecules of carbohydrates break up in an organism on mono - and disaccharides in the course of digestion of food. Simple carbohydrates are not suitable for weight loss at all, they are quickly acquired by an organism, and provide high concentration of glucose and other sugars in blood. They have a high glycemic index. At digestion of such nutrients the organism turns on energy storage mechanisms for the future, and excess of carbohydrates easily passes into composition of fatty tissue.

After the use of simple carbohydrates for weight loss quickly there is a feeling of hunger. And there is no wonder, they are quickly spent, breaking up to elementary components. It is also important to know that only one bystry carbohydrates contain in the refined sugar. Other food stuffs along with them contain also others including useful substances.

The products containing complex carbohydrates, on the contrary, as well as possible are suitable for fight against extra kilos. They remain in a digestive tract longer and are digested more slowly, providing uniform intake of glucose and other sugars in blood.

Products with complex carbohydrates saturate an organism with various useful substances (minerals, vitamins), for long time providing to an organism sense of fulness. Products with complex carbohydrates are also a valuable energy source and do not provoke emergence of surplus of body weight.

Complex carbohydrates for weight loss are useful to work of intestines as the cellulose which is contained in them accelerates a peristaltics and is nutritious material for useful microflora. Products with complex carbohydrates have a low glycemic index.

The list of products with carbohydrates for weight loss

With simple carbohydrates enter the list of products:Кисломолочная продукция - продукты со сложными углеводами

  • Sweet fruit and fruit juice;
  • Bread wheat, grain;
  • All confectionery;
  • Brown and white rice;
  • Rye small loafs;
  • Potatoes made in the different ways;
  • Jam, jam, fruit jelly, chocolate;
  • Corn sticks;
  • Ice cream;
  • Some vegetables (turnip, pumpkin, boiled carrots, parsnip).

With slow carbohydrates it is possible to include in the list of products:

  • Lentil;
  • Soy;
  • Turkish peas;
  • Firm grades of macaroni;
  • Kashi;
  • Lactic products;
  • Vegetables (vegetable marrow, spinach, pepper, leek, cabbage, tomatoes, mushrooms);
  • Fruit (apples, plums, grapefruits, oranges, peaches, cherry) and dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes).

Complex carbohydrates for weight loss have to become a basis of a diet of the person who aims to lose weight. Carbohydrates for weight loss surely should be included in the list of dishes for a breakfast. These are various porridges – buckwheat, millet, yachnevy, oat, etc. It is possible to include carbohydrates for weight loss in the form of garnishes in other meals – macaroni, the fresh or thermally processed vegetables, etc.

To reduce harm from simple carbohydrates, it is necessary to include them in a diet along with proteinaceous products – meat, fish, eggs, etc. The mechanism of neutralization is that proteinaceous food is digested long enough, and together with it in a digestive tract bystry carbohydrates are late.

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