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Sass for weight loss

Вода Сасси для похудения - напиток на основе огурцов, лимона, мяты и имбиряToday there is a huge choice of various recipes for weight loss – from elementary and simple to the most difficult, from useful and simply not exerting any impact on an organism – to harmful. Water of Sassi for weight loss or ginger water enjoys special popularity recently. All who tasted this drink, assure that the regular use of this very simple and very effective drink allows to achieve the stunning results.

Water of Sassi for weight loss: principle of action and result

Selection of the components which are its part is the reason of such popularity of drink. The main place among them is allocated to ginger. Ginger since ancient times was used for normalization of a metabolism and disposal of excess weight. And the lemon and a cucumber bring excess liquid out of an organism, stimulate a lymphatic drainage and normalize work of digestive tract.

Ginger water for weight loss of a stomach is especially effective.

Drink for Sassi's weight loss was thought up by the American doctor – Cynthia Sassi (from where and the name). Surprising selection of components which are designed to accelerate metabolism is the cornerstone of some drink, to clear an organism of slags, to remove excess liquid and to start processes of a zhiroszhiganiye. As a rule, for the first four days of use of Sassi for weight loss, it is possible to get rid of 1-2 kilograms even if the caloric content of products at the same time remained at the previous level. If to make the use of water of Sassi regular and to combine with a diet according to the scheme below, then weight reduction will significantly accelerate:

  • The first 4 days – usual food plus water of Sassi;
  • The second 4 days – water Sassi and a food allowance to 1400 kcal/days;
  • The next two weeks – water of Sassi for weight loss plus 1600 kcal/days.

When using this scheme of Sassi for weight loss shows the following results:

  • At the expense of a conclusion of excess liquid from an organism and burning of a part of fatty stocks volumes of hips and a waist decrease;
  • The stomach becomes more flat;
  • Activity of intestines is adjusted;
  • 5-7 kilograms of excess weight are lost.

The recipe of preparation of drink for weight loss of Sassi

Preparation of water of Sassi for weight loss is possible in house conditions using available ingredients:

  • One average fresh cucumber cleared of a peel;
  • One lemon of the small size;
  • 10 leaves of mint;
  • Tablespoon of the ginger grated;
  • 2 pure liters.Рецепт воды Сасси для похудения

All ingredients need to be crushed (the lemon and a cucumber should be cut ringlets, and to tear leaves of mint hands) and to fill in with clear water. It is necessary to leave ginger water for weight loss for 12 hours on the lower shelf of the refrigerator to infuse, previously having covered. 12 hours later it is necessary to pour drink in an opaque vessel and to drink during the day.

It is recommended to prepare ginger water for weight loss of Sassi every day, but not to store it is long in the refrigerator.

That use of Sassi for weight loss was the most efficient, it is necessary to use only fresh products. Leaves of mint need to be collected in those places which are far from highways and manufacturing enterprises. As we know, all plants with ease absorb in themselves the harmful and carcinogenic substances collecting in the atmosphere.

Water for weight loss of Sassi: responses

There is a set of reviews of water for weight loss of Sassi. Preferential, all who used this recipe speak of it only positively. However as far as after all use of drink from the medical point of view is safe?

According to doctors, Sassi for weight loss is really effective as it accelerates metabolism and improves work of digestive tract. However it is necessary to avoid its use in the presence of a hyperoxemia of a gastric juice or a peptic ulcer as drink contains essential oils and acids. Also it is not necessary to abuse Sassi that at whom dysfunction of kidneys, an urolithiasis or diseases of secretory system is observed. For weight loss the expressed diuretic effect therefore its use strengthens load of kidneys that can cause a recurrence of some chronic diseases has Sass.

Whether you know that:

The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.