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Actually молокочай is an acquaintance much since the childhood the drink representing tea mix with milk.Польза молокочая для похудения

Молокочай – the familiar stranger

Some difference from the traditional recipe is that молокочай for weight loss most often recommend to prepare not from black, and from green tea and not to add sugar. As well as other monodiets, fasting day on a molokochaa cannot be arranged more often than once a week.

Those who did not get used to taste of green tea can use tea black, fruit or mix of green and black grades. At the same time the best effect gives use of green tea.

Молокочай for weight loss it is contraindicated to people with diseases of a gall bladder and kidneys, and also those who has individual intolerance of dairy products. Also it is not recommended to the people having the increased or lowered arterial pressure and tendency to faints. In general any chronic diseases in the anamnesis are a reason for additional medical consultation before use molokochy for weight loss.

Молокочай: analysis of structure

Green tea enters the five of the best products of all times and the people. Its anticarcinogenic activity and efficiency at weight loss is proved. In turn milk is full-fledged protein, and also a source of easily acquired calcium.

Молокочай it is nice to the taste, gives feeling of satiety, has easy cholagogue effect, promotes elimination of hypostases. At the same time as independent and full-fledged drink молокочай it is not recommended by specialists as the valuable substances which are contained in its ingredients neutralize each other. At the same time both skim milk, and green tea can and have to be applied in a diet growing thin as independent drinks.

Молокочай: recipe of preparation

The recipe molokochy is simple. Dry tea tea leaves 3-4 spoons for days are required. On the specified quantity 1,5 liters of milk will be required. For preparation of drink it is possible to use several recipes molokochy:

  • To fill in tea tea leaves with a glass of boiled water, to allow to infuse and pour out in warm or cold milk;
  • To make tea tea leaves directly heated to 70o milk, to insist 15-20 minutes and to filter;
  • Directly in a cup to connect 1/3 part of milk to 2/3 parts of strong brewing tea;
  • To fill in a teaspoon of tea tea leaves with 100 grams of boiled water and in 5 minutes to add 150 grams of milk.Для приготовления молокочая лучше использовать зеленый чай

It is also possible to make liter of green tea and to add to it liter of cow's milk or to boil liter of low-fat milk, to add two and a half tablespoons of green tea and to insist in a thermos within three hours.

In general, молокочай it is possible to drink throughout the day without respect for any sequence, but nevertheless the best effect is observed if it to take drink on a glass every two hours, and in intervals with the same interval to drink pure still water (daily quantity – two liters).

Reviews of a molokochaa

According to responses, молокочай is in the lead among a set of other products for fasting days thanks to the pleasant taste and lack of feeling of hunger. At the same time loss from 0,5 to 2 kilograms of body weight can become result of fasting day on a molokochaa. Thanks to such effect drink is often applied by those who aim to leave extra kilos in a short time.

According to reviews of a molokochaa, use of this drink as replacement of one of meals, for example, of a dinner is also effective. Also note its cumulative recreational and tonic effect.

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