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Alphabet Mother's health

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 323 rub.

Витамины Алфавит Мамино здоровьеThe alphabet Mother's health – the complex drug for pregnant women and the feeding women applied as an additional source of vitamins macro - and microelements.

Form of release and structure

11 minerals, taurine and 13 vitamins B the dosages corresponding to needs of pregnant women and feeding women are a part of drug. The complex consists of three tablets:

  • The pink tablet "Iron +" contains B1 vitamin which participates in energy balance, iron for prevention of anemia, the taurine and folic acid necessary for normal fetation. Also copper, vitamin C and provitamin A is a part of a tablet;
  • The blue tablet "Antioxidants +" includes vitamins C, E, the beta carotene and selenium promoting immunity strengthening; the iodine providing prevention of diseases of a thyroid gland and necessary for formation of a nervous system and a skeleton of a fruit; B6, PP vitamins, molybdenum, manganese, magnesium and zinc;
  • The calcium and K1, D3 vitamins necessary for healthy teeth and bones are a part of the cream tablet "Kaltsy-D3+"; biotin which is required for exchange of fatty acids; folic acid, B12 vitamin, phosphorus and chrome.

Drug is produced on 60 tablets in packaging.

Indications to use

The vitamin complex is recommended as fortifying means during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.


Use of the Alphabet Mother's health is contraindicated at individual intolerance of separate components of a complex, and also at hyperfunction of a thyroid gland.

Route of administration and dosage

It is desirable to begin reception of a vitamin and mineral complex during planning of pregnancy for providing a fruit with all necessary minerals and vitamins B the first trimester of pregnancy.

According to the instruction, the Alphabet Mother's health should be accepted on 1 tablet in any sequence three times a day, observing an interval at 4-6 o'clock that promotes fuller assimilation of the components which are a part of drug. At impossibility of observance of such mode the day complex can be accepted at the same time.

Before use of drug it is recommended to consult with the attending physician.

Side effects

As the vitamin complex is made taking into account interaction of the components which are its part, side effects from its use arise extremely seldom. In case of individual intolerance development of allergic skin reactions is possible.


Now structural analogs of drug do not exist, other vitamin and mineral complexes adapted for women during pregnancy and a lactation have similar effect.

Conditions and periods of storage

The vitamin complex is recommended to be stored in the dry place at a temperature of 4-25 °C.

The period of storage of drug makes 2 years of date of production.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Alphabet Mother's Health of a tablet of 60 pieces

323 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Alphabet Mother's health тбл No. 60, Akvion of closed joint stock company

373 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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