Application instruction:
Аликапс - the dietary supplement to food recommended to men of any age at disturbance of an erection.
Dietary supplement of Alikaps is produced in the form of capsules on 4 or 8 pieces in packaging. The main operating components of additive are extract of a dlinnolistny evrikoma of 300 mg, extract of a leaf of Damiana of 50 mg and extract of a creeping palm tree of 50 mg. As a part of drug there are only natural substances.
Since ancient times in Malaysian medicine the dlinnolistny evrikoma was applied to strengthening of a men's potentiality and increase in sexual desire.
And thanks to extract of a dwarfish palm tree Alikaps's use stimulates production of sex hormones in an organism. According to reviews, Alikaps promotes production of semen at men and increases erection time.
Extract of a leaf of Damiana was used still by Indians Maya thanks to strong exciting action.
Thus, regular use of Alikaps stimulates hormonal regulation, that is significantly improves work of hormonal system, in particular, of gonads. Dietary supplement promotes increase in production of semen, strengthens sexual desire, and in the presence of an infection in urinogenital system renders as well antiinflammatory action.
Dietary supplement of Alikaps, according to the instruction, is shown for adult men at any age for the purpose of strengthening of an erection and sexual desire.
According to the instruction, Alikaps accept in a dosage 1 capsule a day during meal. It is desirable to accept drug in the morning and to wash down with a small amount of liquid. Duration of use of dietary supplement makes one month.
Аликапс are not recommended to apply the people having sleeplessness inclined to the increased nervous irritability, and also at disturbances of cordial activity, the expressed atherosclerosis, the increased arterial pressure.
Reception of dietary supplement in case of individual intolerance of one or several of its components is contraindicated.
Before beginning Alikaps's reception, it is recommended to consult with the attending physician.
It is not recommended to accept dietary supplement to children 14 years are younger.
According to reviews, Alikaps is well transferred by patients and does not cause side effects.
Аликапс 2 years belong to drugs of non-prescription dispensing with the recommended period of storage.
According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.
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