Main > Diagnostic methods> Analysis of urine

Analysis of urine

Исследование анализа мочиThe research of urine is conducted in vitro for detection of various diseases, assessment of a condition of an organism and course of disease, efficiency of therapy.

The final diagnosis only according to the analysis of urine is not made, with its help usually find deviations and it is the cause of purpose of the additional researches capable to finally reveal renal failures, diseases of other internals, to find the hidden inflammation.

Allocate several types of a research: biochemical, the general analysis of urine and by Nechiporenko's method.

General analysis of urine

In the preventive purposes such analysis is appointed to all patients who for various reasons addressed to medical institution.

In interpretation of this analysis of urine indicators are specified the following:

  • color of urine;
  • transparency;
  • smell;
  • specific weight;
  • protein content, glucose, bilious pigments and ketonic bodies;
  • leukocytes and erythrocytes;
  • mushrooms, parasites and bacteria;
  • epithelium cells;
  • cylinders and salts.

Transparent, and light yellow color of urine is considered norm, the smell has to be unsharp. Specific weight is the coefficient displaying ability of kidneys to concentration, it should not exceed 1,024.

Norm of leukocytes for men – 0-3; 0-6 - at women; erythrocytes: for men – 0-1; 0-3 - at women.

The quantity of cells of an epithelium should not exceed 0-10.

The healthy person should have no proteins, glucose, bilious pigments and ketonic bodies, parasites, bacteria and mushrooms in urine.

Bad the analysis of urine is called if serious deviations from the specified norms are found. For example, increase in specific weight can indicate a diabetes mellitus, decrease – on excess of liquid in an organism and not diabetes mellitus. Reddish color of urine indicates damage of urinary channels, a bladder, a tumor, colourless urine – about an advanced disease of kidneys. It is undesirable that in urine there was a slime or bacteria, its bad smell speaks about a bad metabolism, an infection, diabetes. The raised protein indicates a nephrotic syndrome and an inflammation, glucose and ketonic bodies – about a diabetes mellitus. Bilirubin – one of bilious pigments, find in people with liver pathologies.

Biochemical analysis of urine

Biochemical analysis make fortunes of internals, a metabolism for assessment.

Indicators of the analysis of urine:

  • glucose. Its norm – 0,03-0,05ú/l;
  • crude protein – is no more 0,033g/l;
  • amylase – 10-1240edl;
  • potassium – 38,4-81,8mmol/days;
  • phosphorus – 0,4-1,3g/days;
  • sodium – 100-260mmol/days;
  • creatinine – at men – 0,64-1,6ú/l, at women – 0,48-1,44ú/l;
  • microalbumine – no more 3-4,25mmol/days;
  • uric acid – 0,4-1g/days;
  • magnesium – 3-4,25mmol/days;
  • urea – 333-578mmol/days

Diseases of kidneys, a liver can indicate the bad analysis of urine which found deviations from the specified norms infections, poisoning.

The analysis across Nechiporenko

If there is a suspicion on the hidden inflammation of urinogenital system, carry out the analysis across Nechiporenko. For this analysis take a middle part of a stream of urine and pay attention to the increased level of leukocytes, erythrocytes, cylinders. High level of these indicators of the analysis of urine testifies to an infection, cystitis, prostate adenoma, pyelonephritis, an urolithiasis, a glomerulonephritis and other serious diseases of kidneys.

The analysis of urine at pregnancy

The woman at pregnancy makes the test of urine at each planned survey since the urinogenital system experiences big strain, and its functionality should be kept under control. Are interested doctors usually general analysis of urine.

Общий анализ мочиAvailability of protein in urine is allowed, but it is no more 300mg/days. If the norm is overestimated, it is necessary to check kidneys. At sharp increase in protein bring up a question of hospitalization of mother.

The raised leukocytes in the analysis of urine at pregnancy indicate pyelonephritis, renal infections.

Opacification of urine indicates that at it there are urates, phosphates, pus, calcium oxalates, leukocytes, bacteria, erythrocytes.

Presence of ketonic bodies during pregnancy indicates early toxicosis.

When obtaining the bad analysis of urine recommend to hand over to the woman urine for bacteriological crops, the repeated general analysis.

The analysis of urine at children

In most cases the analysis of urine at children carry out the general, only norms of indicators of the analysis of urine at the child distinguish from similar indicators of the adult.

The specific density of urine at newborn children should not exceed 1,018, at children from the fifth day to two years-1,002-1,004, at children 2-3l – 1,010-1,017, 4-5l – 1,012-1,020, at children is after 10 l – 1,011-1,025.

Norm of leukocytes for boys – 5, girls – 7; erythrocytes – 3-4; epithelial cells – 1-2;

As it is correct to collect urine for a research

To receive adequate results of the analysis, the patient on the eve of delivery of urine is recommended to stop reception of uroseptik and antibiotics, to refrain from the use of products which can affect color (an asparagus, carrots, bilberry, beet, a rhubarb). Liquid should be used in usual volume, it is no more and not less.

Before collecting urine for the analysis at children, adults it is necessary to make a usual toilet of generative organs, but without use antibacterial and disinfectants.

It is undesirable to hand over urine for the analysis during periods, soon after a tsistoskopiya, it is less than in 12 h after the last sexual contact.

Urine for biochemical analysis can be taken during the day, for the general analysis of urine, a research on Nechiporenko's method – only since morning.

For the analysis collected urine is good only for two hours: it quickly decays, and in it there can be bacteria and the salts capable to affect results of a research.

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