Main > Diseases> Angiomyolipoma


Angiomyolipoma is called the benign tumor having complex structure. It consists of fatty tissue, Ангиомиолипомой называется доброкачественная опухольmuscle fibers and modified blood vessels. This tumor is usually localized in kidneys, but can be located also in a pancreas.

Distinguish two types of an angiomyolipoma of a kidney:

1. Sporadic or isolated. It is the most widespread type of a disease. It is observed in 90% of cases;

2. Inborn. At this type of an angiomyolipoma of kidneys arise against the background of a hereditary form of a tuberous sclerosis (Burnevilya-Prin's disease). In this case new growths are usually localized on both kidneys and in a large number.

Regeneration of an angiomyolipoma in a malignant tumor (malignancy) is observed extremely seldom.

Kidney angiomyolipoma: reasons

Can lead various reasons to development of an angiomyolipoma of kidneys. In certain cases tendency to emergence of this disease is descended. Quite often various diseases of this body are the reason of an angiomyolipoma of a kidney. Besides, this type of tumors has receptors to female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone). The fact that this pathology several times is more often observed at women, than at men, and also the intensive growth of an angiomyolipoma of a kidney during pregnancy is also explained by it.


The main clinical symptoms of an angiomyolipoma of kidneys are:

  • Nagging pain in lumbar area, and also in a stomach. These pains are most often caused by hemorrhages from modified blood vessels of a tumor. At considerable bleeding at the patient hemorrhagic shock, peritonitis can develop;
  • Development of an arterial hypertension;
  • At the big size of an angiomyolipoma of kidneys the tumor can be probed during a palpation;
  • Emergence of blood in urine (hamaturia).

Most often angiomyolipomas have the small sizes and are not shown by any clinical symptoms. As a result similar tumors are diagnosed absolutely accidentally when performing the ultrasound examination of kidneys conducted for any other reason.

Diagnosis of an angiomyolipoma

Diagnosis Расположение ангиомиолипомы почкиof an angiomyolipoma of kidneys is based on the basis of symptoms of a disease, data of medical examination, laboratory (the general blood test and urine, blood biochemistry) and tool researches (ultrasonography, an angiography of vessels of a kidney, a computer or magnetic resonance tomography). When there is a suspicion on an angiomyolipoma malignancy, carry out a biopsy of kidneys with the subsequent histologic and cytologic research of the received fabric.

Angiomyolipoma: treatment

In cases when the tumor has the small sizes and does not prove clinical symptoms, and also does not tend to growth – treatment of an angiomyolipoma is not carried out. The patient has to be on the dispensary account at the doctor-urologist and regularly undergo ultrasonography of kidneys.

At rapid growth of an angiomyolipoma or the considerable sizes of a tumor when there is a high probability of its gap, carrying out surgical intervention is shown. At the small size of an angiomyolipoma carry out enucleation of a tumor and a partial nephrectomy. Existence of a huge angiomyolipoma, and also its malignancy is the indication to carrying out a nephrectomy – to removal of the affected kidney.

At a rupture of blood vessels of an angiomyolipoma and development of internal bleeding carry out the emergency surgical intervention. Timely executed operation prevents development of such dangerous complications as peritonitis and hemorrhagic shock which can lead to death of the patient.

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