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Peanut paste

Peanut paste is the caloric and highly nourishing product very popular in the countries of America. At a vegetarian way of life it is a worthy alternative to meat.


Арахисовая паста - продукт из поджаренного арахисаPeanut paste is made of a fried peanut – a peanut from family Bean. The cultural homeland of a peanut is South America. It is authentically known that paste was invented in 1890 by the American dietitian who was engaged in searches of alternative food to vegetarians. It turned out that the peanut is rich with proteins and vitamins, necessary for an organism. Soon the product received such popularity that its began to produce serially.

Then the manufacturing techniques of peanut butter differed from modern: nuts milled after their cooking that led to loss of characteristic aroma of paste. After obtaining the first patent for production of paste special crushers for a peanut crunching were available for sale that allowed to make paste in house conditions.

On the market K. Sumner, the wholesale merchant owning large trading floors in St. Louis was engaged in mass advance of paste. It also presented a product in 1904 at the National Universal Exhibition. By 1922 the production technology of paste changed a little, the term of its validity increased up to one year. It led to its distribution outside California. Shortly there were some more subspecies of these products among which there is to this day a popular "crackling" paste to which after preparation sugar and small cut peanut pieces, and classical creamy paste add.

Today the USA is the main exporter of peanut butter, and on its production a half of all harvest of the country leaves. Can compete with America on production of peanut paste unless Chile and Argentina.

Depending on duration of a crunching of weight it is possible to make various types of peanut paste. Classical paste represents mix of the peeled ground nut, a small amount of salt and sugar, vegetable oil and various additives providing stability of a consistence. Now on counters it is possible to see pastes with addition of candied fruits, coconut flakes, the crushed nuts, cream pastes, pastes without sugar or salt and so forth.

Statistically, peanut butter in America is daily used by about 40 million inhabitants. Qualitative paste has to have a homogeneous creamy consistence, with characteristic aroma and taste of a freshly roasted peanut. Its color can fluctuate from light brown to brown. Depending on manufacturing techniques, the term of its storage makes of half a year about one year at a temperature of storage up to 20 degrees Celsius.

By tradition peanut paste is smeared on bread or a toast and used for breakfast together with milk, coffee or tea. Peanut paste and jelly sandwiches are popular in America. In cookery it is used for preparation of fancy bread and confectionery, also it is added to sauces and risotto for giving of nut taste to them.

Structure and advantage of peanut paste

On the nutritiousness the peanut does not concede to such bean cultures as haricot and peas. In its structure there is a lot of phytalbumin which is completely deprived of cholesterol, and also PP, A, B1, B2 vitamins, E. V a peanut is present the folic acid promoting updating and growth of cells, cellulose macro - and microelements (zinc, iron, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, cobalt, potassium). There are at it also antioxidants – the substances protecting organism cells from an adverse effect of free radicals. It does a peanut to one of the most effective remedies in prevention of cardiovascular diseases. On this indicator it costs in the same row with blackberry and a wild strawberry, conceding unless, to the indisputable leader – garnet. According to recent researches, the regular use of peanut paste (reasonably) reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases by 15-20%.

The product in the course of production undergoes cold processing thanks to what advantage of peanut paste same, as well as a peanut. In it as well as in the nut, all vitamins, cellulose, macro - and microelements which are necessary for full work of an organism remain: hearts, liver, nervous system and other bodies.Калорийность арахисовой пасты - 598 ккал на 100 г

It is considered that the advantage of peanut paste consists also in increase in testosterone which helps to burn fat and to increase muscular tissue. A large number of a protein is an alternative to meat at a vegetarian way of life.

Among stars model and show business the peanut diet which strengthens sense of fulness enjoys popularity.

Harm of peanut paste

The first harm of peanut paste consists in its allergenicity. If the person has allergies concerning some types of nuts, then paste needs to be used carefully.

The second harm of peanut paste consists in its high caloric content and fat content therefore it is not recommended to use more than 3-4 tablespoons of this product a day.

Upon purchase of paste it is desirable to study carefully composition of paste that at its structure there were no artificial fragrances and the harmful hydrogenated fats. The real peanut paste is completely natural product.

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