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Aster Alpine

Астра альпийскаяThe aster Alpine concerns Astrov' (thistle family) family. This perennial plant growing in the south of the Urals, Western Siberia in the Caucasus, meets on rocks, shchebnisty and stony soils, meadow slopes.

Stalks of an aster Alpine, covered with white hairs, reach 25 cm in height. Flowers of a plant are externally similar to a camomile garden, have blue-violet color, are collected in large baskets and are located on a plant top.

In the medical purposes apply all elevated parts of a plant: flowers, leaves, stalks. Prepare medicinal raw materials in an aster blooming period, in July and in August: completely cut off, display in one layer and dry in the dryer.

Chemical composition

Biologically active agents are found in a plant: coumarins, flavonoids, saponins.

Useful properties

The aster Alpine has febrifugal, antiinflammatory and expectorant effect.

Indications to use

Effectively both internal, and external use of an aster Alpine.

It is noticed that when drawing on skin tincture removes an itch, inflammations arising at a dermatosis of various origin.

Inside infusions and broths of a plant accept at problems with a GIT, cold, flu, tuberculosis, diseases of eyes, joint pains, diseases of sinews.


Use of an aster Alpine is contraindicated at hypersensitivity to a plant.

House drugs from an aster Alpine

Thanks to the useful properties the aster Alpine is widely applied in traditional medicine.

There are several recipes of preparation of medical infusions:

  • 1 tablespoon of dry medicinal raw materials is made by 200 ml of boiled water, maintain 40 min., filter. Drink such infusion at disorders of a GIT, cold and according to other indications, on 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meal;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of a grass of an aster fill in 0,5 l of the boiling water, boil 3 min. and insist 20 min. Accept 100 ml 3 times a day to food.

For external use infusion is prepared in the second way and used for treatment of a tuberculosis cutis, furuncles, diathesis and other skin inflammations. The received means for day is applied by means of cotton plugs on affected areas of skin and maintained 5-10 minutes. Treatment is continued before improvement of a state.

Use of a plant in the medical purposes should not replace the medicamentous therapy appointed by the doctor.

Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.