
Autosuntan is imitation of natural suntan of skin. It gives to skin pleasant equal color of a desirable shade and intensity, the effect of suntan is shown quickly after drawing, besides autosuntan for a body and a face is safe unlike sunshine.Атозагар - имитация естественного загара

It is possible to cause professionally autosuntan in salon or to make it independently at home.

Means for autosuntan

The bronze effect of suntan can achieve using cosmetics of two versions – bronzat and avtobronzat.

According to reviews, the autosuntan received from use of bronzat is less long-lasting, it keeps only several hours. Only dyes are a part of a bronzat, they easily wash off as paint over only an upper layer of epidermis.

Autosuntan for a body with use of bronzat allows to look more harmonious also podtyanuty. The cosmetic ruler includes creams, lotions with effect of suntan, dry oil.

Quite often a component of a bronzat are light-reflective particles by means of which skin gains pleasant gloss and blinking. Thanks to this effect skin externally looks more exactly, on its surface roughnesses and sites of a hyperpegmentation become imperceptible.

After use of avtobronzat autosuntan, according to reviews, keeps within several days. The principle of action of avtobronzat is based on a chemical change of interaction of its components with proteic matters as a part of skin cells. Thanks to this reaction upper layers of cells of skin gain characteristic bronze color. Cosmetics of this version happen instant action and such, the effect of which is shown gradually.

Avtobronzata do not protect skin from a harmful range of sunbeams therefore it is necessary to apply sun-protection creams in case of long stay under beams of the sun.

For receiving subtle shades of suntanned skin cosmetologists recommend to use a milk. And to achieve more saturated and dark shade, autosuntan should be applied to a face or a body in the form of mousse or napkins.

Autosuntan in house conditions

It is possible to receive a beautiful bronze shade of skin using means for autosuntan in house conditions. Before causing autosuntan it is necessary to take a shower using a srub or a peeling for a body. In order that autosuntan laid down on the surface of skin exactly, specialists recommend to make previously an epilation, it is necessary to apply means only on dry skin.

There are certain features of use of means for autosuntan in house conditions. To prevent emergence of uneven spots and for more natural look, before drawing autosuntan is recommended to mix with usual cream in the ratio 1:1 and to apply this mix on a body.

When using autosuntan it is necessary to put it in cellophane gloves that skin of hands was not painted, and after the end of a procedure carefully to wash up hands with soap. Right after causing autosuntan you should not put on the light or fitting clothes, means for autosuntan can paint it.

Gentle skin around knees, armpits, elbows is painted by autosuntan quicker, than in other areas therefore less means for creation of effect of suntan in these parts is required. It is also possible to apply previously on skin of these areas cream or the moistening milk.Прибор для нанесения автозагара в салоне

The direction of causing autosuntan – from legs to shoulders, it is necessary to put means with a uniform thin layer. Autosuntan for the person is caused with a wadded disk, without affecting the area a century and lips.

Specialists cosmetologists who cause autosuntan in salon also do not advise on the eve of the procedure to use perfumery means and decorative cosmetics to avoid undesirable reactions of their interaction with means for autosuntan.

Contraindications for causing autosuntan

Autosuntan is not recommended to use at wounds, cuts and other disturbances of integrity of an integument. A contraindication are also chronic diseases with skin manifestations – psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema and others. Pregnant women also have to refrain from use of this means, it can indirectly be reflected in a condition of a fruit.

All autosuntan dries skin, it can reflect adversely on a condition of already dry and thin skin.

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