Main > Diseases> Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis

Short characteristic of a disease

Анализ для выявления заболевания бактериальным вагинозом

The bacterial vaginosis is an infectious disease which is shown by the plentiful, unpleasantly smelling allocations from a vagina arising because of change of structure of its microflora. As a rule, the bacterial vaginosis has an effect after reproduction of disease-producing bacteria and decrease in quantity of useful microorganisms. However, the exact reasons for which there is a bacterial vaginosis up to the end are not clear. Specialists assume that development of an infection is provoked by hormonal frustration, existence of an intrauterine spiral and some antibiotics.

At a bacteriological research as a part of allocations the following bacteria are found: bacteroids, fuzobakteriya, klebsiyela and gardnerella. Because of presence of the last the bacterial vaginosis is often called a bacterial vaginosis.

Causes of illness

As it was already told above, the exact reasons of a bacterial vaginosis – are unknown. Doctors allocate several factors which presumably provoke a course of a disease:

  • hormonal – hormones exert impact on a condition of microflora of a vagina. It is known that the bacterial vaginosis seldom occurs among teenage girls at whom the level of hormones in blood is lower, than at adult women;
  • existence of an intrauterine spiral – risk of emergence of an infection increases twice;
  • use of a large number of antibiotics – drugs suppress reproduction of lactobacilli and create all conditions for development of harmful microorganisms;
  • reduced immunity – treatment of a bacterial vaginosis can be required after serious illnesses as they lead to weakening of protective functions of an organism and promote reproduction of harmful bacteria.

In recent years it was proved that sexually the bacterial vaginosis is not transmitted, but some venereal diseases suppress immunity and influence vagina microflora therefore all the same it is worth approaching the choice of the partner with all possible responsibility.

Bacterial vaginosis – symptoms and a clinical picture

In more than 50% of the registered cases the bacterial vaginosis does not prove in any way. No wonder therefore that the disease very often comes to light only on routine inspection at the gynecologist. In the remained cases reproduction of disease-producing bacteria leads to the following effects:

  • the plentiful allocations from a vagina having a characteristic unpleasant smell of fish. Their quantity increases after sexual intercourse;
  • weak itch in the field of generative organs;
  • discomfort and burning during sexual intercourse;
  • urodynias (meet infrequently).

In the absence of treatment the bacterial vaginosis leads to serious effects. The bacterial vaginosis at pregnant women provokes development of complications at childbirth and premature appearance of the child to light, and also is one of origins of cancer of neck of uterus. Besides, changes of structure of microflora of a vagina influence the general body resistance. It is known that at sick women the bacterial vaginosis much more often fixes cases of infection with gonorrhea, clamidiosis, human papillomavirus infection and other extremely unpleasant "sores".

For men the bacterial vaginosis is absolutely safe. It is not given sexually and in general it is considered purely women's issue. Nevertheless, at the diagnosis a bacterial vaginosis treatment has to begin as soon as possible as the unpleasant smell of allocations and discomfort at sexual intercourse will not allow couple to lead normal, full-fledged life.

Bacterial vaginosis at pregnant women

The bacterial vaginosis at pregnancy proves after hormonal reorganization of an organism. The disease exerts impact on growth and development of the child, can cause premature births and therefore needs timely treatment. Lack of unpleasant symptoms is not the basis for refusal of medical assistance as the speech in this case goes about lives and health of the kid.

How to treat a bacterial vaginosis?

Метрогил плюс используется при бактериальном вагинозе для подавления роста бактерий The main efforts of doctors are directed to the prevention of complications at a bacterial vaginosis. For this purpose specialists take actions for recovery of normal microflora of a vagina and destruction of harmful bacteria. As a rule, antimicrobic tablets and local means – gels, candles, tablets are for this purpose used. Let's provide the list of the most effective remedies:

  • metronidazole, Trichopolum, metrogit, – brake flagyl reproduction of bacteria, but can cause side reactions (nausea, vomiting, digestive disturbances) therefore drugs should be accepted under constant observation of the doctor;
  • clindamycin - is produced in the form of vaginal candles or cream. It is entered into a vagina once a day, before going to bed;
  • metrogit plus – suppresses growth of bacteria and prevents development of the milkwoman. The drug is administered in a vagina twice a day – in the morning and in the evening.

If the bacterial vaginosis at pregnancy is observed, then before reception of any of above-mentioned drugs it is necessary to consult with the doctor who will advise the most sparing means.

After elimination of harmful bacteria it is necessary to take care of recovery of normal microflora of a vagina. For this purpose perfectly a probiotics – the drugs containing live useful microorganisms will approach. The most popular probiotics is линекс, bifidumbacterium, лактобактерин.

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