Main > Food stuffs> Mutton


Useful properties of mutton

Mutton – meat of one-year-old sheep of pale red or henna-red color. Separately allocate also meat of lambs of young people and meat of milk eanlings. Young lambs are slaughtered aged from 3kh months about one year, milk eanling the animal aged up to eight weeks is considered. Meat of juveniles differs in pale pink color, fat at it light and easily separates.

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It is considered that mutton of the Kalmyk breed is more allocated with useful properties. This meat has no specific smell, and vitamins, microelements in it it is more than in meat of sheep of other breeds.

Meat mutton contains magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, fluorine, vitamins K, D, V, E.

Mutton caloric content: gammons and shovels – 380 kcal, a back part - 459 kcal, breasts - 533 kcal.

Mutton surpasses beef and pork in fat content. This feature of meat and high caloric content of mutton is considered by drawing up a diet of those who play sports, practices power loadings – body builders, athletes, fighters.

Besides, also such properties of mutton as stimulation of work of a pancreas and respectively, the prevention of diabetes are known.

Thanks to the high content of iron and caloric content mutton is recommended to use at anemia, the lowered hemoglobin.

Use of meat of mutton

Sheep meat is well acquired and it is considered that from mutton of advantage will be more if to use its boiled. Also the broth cooked on mutton, especially at gastritis with low acidity is useful. The neck, a shovel and breast cut are suitable for cooking more.

Before heat treatment mutton it is necessary to wash and remove from it fat. Cook meat 1,5-2ch, removing foam.

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Advantage of mutton not only in the meat. In traditional medicine mutton fat is used though it differs from pork and beef fat in the bigger temperature of melting and high content of cholesterol. Fat in prevention and directly in treatment of cold, flu, quinsy is effective. For preparation of medical drink in the warmed-up milk dissolve fat and honey – on the 1st tablespoon. It is recommended to drink remedy hot.

Well for cough also the means prepared on mutton fat, an aloe, honey, butter and cocoa helps. By means of the meat grinder it is necessary to crush 4-5 big leaves of an aloe, to kindle 200 g of mutton fat and 250 g of oil. It is necessary to add to the kindled fat and oil 250 g of honey, a tablespoon of cocoa and crushed by an aloe, it is good to mix. Accept mix on a tablespoon 3 times a day to food before treatment of cough. Store it on cold. For prevention of bronchitis, cold after the onset of cold weather it is possible to accept daily on half of spoons of the dining room of this means 2-3 times a day to food.

Harm of mutton

It is undesirable to use mutton that who has pathologies of kidneys, a liver, a gall bladder.

Mutton can do harm to those who have a bad digestion, stomach ulcer or gastritis with high acidity is found, arthritis, gout – these diseases can progress. Considering that mutton very fat, and in it is a lot of cholesterol, it is not recommended to eat at heart troubles, vessels. For this reason it is undesirable to give mutton to children, it is necessary to limit consumption of this meat to elderly people. It is considered that there is no advantage of mutton at its constant use and for the healthy person since it increases risk of development of atherosclerosis.

Mutton can do harm and if the diet except it does not include other meat. Yoda contains in it insufficient quantity and therefore function of a thyroid gland can suffer.

Whether you know that:

The American scientists made experiments on mice and came to a conclusion that water-melon juice prevents development of atherosclerosis of vessels. One group of mice drank usual water, and the second – water-melon juice. As a result vessels of the second group were free from cholesteric plaques.