Main > Drugs> Belladonna


БелладоннаBelladonna – the noxious medicinal plant containing alkaloids of group of atropine.

Chemical composition

The belladonna is the perennial herbaceous plant relating the Nightshade family to the sort Family Belladonna. It also call the Belladonna ordinary, Krasukhoy, the Sleepy stupor, Mad berry.

The belladonna is widespread in North Africa, Europe, Asia, and also in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. She prefers the thinned beech, oak, fir and death forests.

At a plant:

  • The thick branchy stalks of green or dark-violet color reaching in height of two meters;
  • Rhizomes with numerous large branchy roots;
  • Shirokolantsetny, petiolar leaves of an oblong and ovoid form;
  • Medium-sized, single, five-membered flowers of dirty-violet or yellow color.

The belladonna since the end of spring to the late fall blossoms. Fruits in the form of the brilliant black berries reminding medium-sized cherries begin to ripen at the end of July.

All parts of a belladonna are poisonous and contain alkaloids of group of atropine in different proportions. Most of all they in roots and leaves (1,2-1,3%) and to 1% contain in stalks, flowers and mature fruits. In addition to atropine hyoscine (Scopolaminum) and Hyoscyaminum also is a part of a belladonna. An elevated part of a plant contains oxycoumarins, flavonoids, ashes both some macro - and microelements: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium.

As medicinal raw materials leaves, a grass and a root of a plant which generally collect from plantations are used, at the same time leaves prepare at the beginning of summer (in a blossoming phase), a grass a bit later (in a fruiting stage).

Useful properties

The belladonna is mentioned in early sources as a poison source. However the plant was also used for treatment: inside – at stomach diseases and a liver, outwardly – in the presence of ulcers and tumors.

Properties of a belladonna are known almost from the basis of homeopathy. The plant is shown at treatment practically of any inflammatory processes, including brain inflammations. Also it is a part of drops of Zelenin and many other combined drugs.

When studying chemical composition it was established that pharmacological properties of a belladonna are identical to properties of atropine. Drugs from a plant:

  • Reduce secretion gastric, salivary, the lacrimal, bronchial and sweat glands;
  • Cause accommodation paralysis;
  • Lower a tone of muscles of digestive tract, and also gall bladder and bilious channels;
  • Complicate outflow of intraocular liquid;
  • Increase intraocular pressure;
  • Cause tachycardia;
  • Expand pupils;
  • Improve atrioventricular conductivity.

Indications to use

  • Peptic ulcer of a stomach and 12-perstny gut;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Spasms of smooth muscles of abdominal organs;
  • Renal and bilious gripes;
  • Bradycardia;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Medicines on the basis of belladonna extract also apply when studying vessels of an eyeground.


  • Closed-angle glaucoma;
  • Hypersensitivity to active components of a plant;
  • The prostatauxe which is followed by urine outflow disturbance.

House drugs from a belladonna

Tinctura Belladonnae (is a part of drops of Zelenin) is prepared in a proportion 1:10 of leaves of a plant and 40% of alcohol. As a rule, it is accepted inside till 5-10 drops at pains of various origin.

However doctors do not recommend independent use of a belladonna because of high risk of overdose and development of side effects.

At overdose dizziness, psychomotor excitement, a dermahemia a century, an intestines atony, an ischuria, dryness in a mouth, a mydriasis, accommodation paresis, tachycardia, photophobia can arise drugs of a belladonna. At emergence of similar symptoms use of a belladonna should be cancelled.

Also during treatment patients have to be careful when driving motor transport and when working, the demanding good sight and the increased concentration of attention.

Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.