4 week of pregnancy in obstetrics conduct the counting of the first day of the last periods, and corresponds to two weeks from the fertilization moment.
Female sex hormone progesterone causes the changes in a uterus preparing it for incubation of a fruit. Progesterone reduces sokratitelny ability of a uterus, promotes preservation and more reliable attachment of fetal egg to a uterus wall.
Progesterone causes formation of a dense mucous stopper which is at the exit from a uterus and departs only before the childbirth. It will protect future fruit from penetration of a possible infection from a genital tract.
On the 4th week of pregnancy there is a transformation of fetal egg into an embryo. At this stage fetal egg has an appearance of the disk, flat from two parties, consisting of three layers of cells. Each of them will give afterwards rise to three germinal fabrics of which bodies and tissues of future child are formed. From a periblast of cells nervous tissue, skin and mucous membranes, hair, a crystalline lens, from an average – bones and muscles, heart, blood vessels and kidneys, from internal – digestive tract, lungs and a liver originate. To the termination 4 weeks of pregnancy form an embryo body bend.
Extraembryonic bodies of an embryo which support its existence until care of it is not undertaken by a placenta begin to develop in the same period intensively. It is about amnion, chorion and a vitellicle.
Amnion (water cover) surrounds a germ with the protective cover protecting from drying and mechanical damages. By outward he reminds a bubble, and contains fetal waters.
Chorion (fleecy cover) is a predecessor of future placenta.
The vitellicle contains a reserve of nutrients, and the first 3 months of pregnancy performs exchange and secretory functions.
The fruit size on the 4th week of pregnancy is no more than 3 - 4 mm, but it already reliably was fixed in a uterus wall. Ultrasonography on the 4th week of pregnancy most often shows that the germ is attached to a back wall of a uterus, is closer to side of an ovary which left an ovum.
If the woman did not plan to become pregnant, then she can not suspect about the state as her health approximately same as before the next periods, and the stomach on the 4th week of pregnancy does not change in a circle yet.
The emotional splash which arose against the background of hormonal shift at the woman most often is replaced by calm and tranquility that is one of pregnancy incubation conditions. It is so-called aura of pregnancy when people around notice that the behavior of the woman changed.
It is normal of allocation on the 4th week of pregnancy from a genital tract transparent or whitish, not plentiful, inodorous. Their emergence can be explained with influence of hormones and the strengthened inflow of blood to a small pelvis.
As a rule, the next periods do not come. Bloody allocations on the 4th week of pregnancy can be a sign of the begun abortion, on time their emergence can be confused with the expected periods, without having learned about the interrupted pregnancy.
Mild pains on the 4th week of pregnancy which arise in the bottom of a stomach are also similar to periods harbingers. They can be as manifestation of adaptation of an organism to change of a uterus, and a symptom of some disease, for example, of an urolithiasis.
In a shape of a stomach on the 4th week of pregnancy it is impossible to suspect it as increase in a uterus on this term insignificant. The test for pregnancy will show negative or doubtful take depending on the fertilization term because the level of a chorionic gonadotrophin in urine is insufficiently high. And here in blood it will show high values as well as pregnancy hormone prolactin.
If the woman controlled basal body temperature till this period, then can notice change in graphics - temperature on the 4th week of pregnancy remains high (37 – 37,4 degrees).
Ultrasonography on the 4th week of pregnancy allows to see a yellow body which is increased in sizes in ovaries. On such early term this inspection is usually done in case of problems with conception. With use of high-precision devices ultrasonography on the 4th week of pregnancy on a back wall of a uterus it is also possible to notice the implanted germ.
If there is a suspicion on pregnancy, future mother should exclude such addictions as alcohol and smoking – they can lead to an abortion or uglinesses of a fruit.
It is important to adhere to the correct work-rest schedule, the night dream has to become full. The healthy and safe nutrition – guarantee of healthy pregnancy.
It will be reasonable to begin reception of folic acid in tablets if it is not made yet. It prevents defects of a neurotubule at future fruit.
In the absence of releases of blood from a genital tract and pains on the 4th week of pregnancy visit of the gynecologist during this period is not obligatory.
The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.
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