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Pregnancy and smoking

To all it is clear that smoking and pregnancy are two incompatible concepts. Unfortunately, smoking during pregnancy is a pressing problem for many women and not everyone from them understands risk for future child. And harm from this habit can exert impact not only on future child, but also interfere with the process of conception.

Курение и беременность – два несовместимых понятия

Let's talk in more detail about with what smoking of mother before pregnancy is fraught for future child and as smoking influences pregnancy.

Pregnancy and smoking. Smoking before conception

Smoking is one of the infertility reasons. Scientists proved that at the smoking woman of an ovum perish more often, and there is it under negative impact of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which get into an organism together with tobacco smoke. Thus, smoking reduces probability of conception approximately twice (depending on an experience of smoking of the woman).

By the way, quite often at the smoking women disturbance of a menstrual cycle is observed, respectively, the ovulation comes less often, and here a climax – earlier.

Smoking negatively affects not only on health of the woman, but also on health of the man. Quality of sperm at the smoking men is worse, than at non-smoking. It contains much smaller quantity of viable spermatozoa. And in general, the smoking men quite often have impotence. What to tell about health of future posterity here …

Pregnancy and smoking. Smoking on early durations of gestation

If the woman does not plan pregnancy, and does not stop smoking during this period, and also not too watches the menstrual cycle, then she can notice far not at once that she is pregnant. What smoking on early durations of gestation threatens future child with? It is known that the first weeks of pregnancy are the most important and dangerous in the development plan for various complications and pre-natal pathologies. Even usual change of climate can provoke abortion or dying down of a fruit what here to speak about pregnancy and smoking, especially, if the woman smokes more than five cigarettes a day.

It can be especially worked great mischief to future child if the woman has a long experience of smoking and age her 35 years are more senior. At this age and without smoking the risk of the birth of the full-fledged and healthy child decreases. And here smoking and pregnancy at this age – very and very dangerous combination, incubation of the child assumes the raised load of cardiovascular system, and at the smoking woman it is weakened. It leads to a constant exacerbation of chronic diseases and emergence of new.

It is important to know that after each smoked cigarette vessels for some time remain in the compressed state and at this time the child receives insufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients that on early terms can even become a cause of death of the child.

On late terms a chronic hypoxia of a fruit (shortage of oxygen) it becomes frequent the reason of development of various diseases. It is already scientifically proved that pregnancy and smoking often become the reason of the birth of children with such inborn physical defects as a labium leporium, a wolf mouth, etc. Often similar malformations are explained with shortage of oxygen during pre-natal development.

Pregnancy and smoking on late terms

Smoking during pregnancy more than five cigarettes provokes day such very dangerous complication as placental detachment. At placental detachment at the pregnant woman plentiful bleeding which can be stopped only in the surgical way begins. On late durations of gestation doctors quite often resort to the emergency Cesarean section as a result of which the child can be saved. But often such children remain disabled people for the rest of life as placental detachment causes an acute hypoxia in a fruit.

The combination "smoking and pregnancy" provokes an exacerbation of a hypertension and becomes frequent the gestosis reason (late toxicosis of pregnant women). This state demands timely treatment, otherwise it threatens health of mother and future child.

Smoking during pregnancy becomes frequent the reason that the woman is not able to take out the child to the put term. Thus, pregnancy and smoking – a dangerous combination at which the woman quite often has premature births. It is good still if it is possible to inform of the child such term when he is able to survive. And if is not present? Whether it is worth risking? And you should not be told, probably, about difficulties of care of premature children, and also about what problems with health at them arise afterwards.

At the smoking women often in a placenta the dystrophic changes resulting from negative impact of the harmful substances which are contained in tobacco are observed. And badly functioning placenta cannot supply fully the child with all nutrients and oxygen necessary for it. For this reason, statistically, children at the smoking women, as a rule, are born with a smaller weight, than at non-smoking.

In especially hard cases mortinatus children even on late durations of gestation are born. And smoking here also grat not the last role. In combination with other adverse factors, such as infectious diseases and alcohol, smoking is one their main reasons, leading to pre-natal death of a fruit.

Pregnancy and smoking. What occurs after the birth?

As smoking influences pregnancy, we found out. But how understanding what happens to children to whose blood throughout all duration of gestation harmful substances came? Such children have quite high risk to ache with various pulmonary diseases (pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis). If and after the birth the child continues to inhale tobacco smoke, this risk still increases several times.

For certain, each woman knows what is sudden infantile death and fears it. It when for the unclear reasons heart at the baby ceases to fight. The exact reasons of this phenomenon are unknown, but according to several tests not the last place is taken here by such dangerous combination as pregnancy and smoking.

Pregnancy and smoking: to throw or not?

After we understood how smoking on early durations of gestation and on late, and also influences health of the child after the birth, it is necessary to be defined whether you wish to the future child similar destiny? But now at every turn repeat that sharp throwing is also harmful to future child? Yes, unfortunately, it is the truth. If mother smokes much, then you should not throw sharply as it is fraught with a severe stress for mother that, naturally, will not exert positive impact on a fruit. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to throw, just it is necessary to do it gradually. Just it is necessary to remember that nicotine addiction disappears very quickly – enough only several days. With psychological, of course, it will be much more difficult to cope, but and an incentive at you, you see, not weak – health of your future child.

Whether you know that:

According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.