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from 25 rub.

Branolind represents the salve dressings from permeable cotton fabric intended for treatment of bruises, cuts, burns and other damages of integuments of various depth and severity. Bandages promote healing, accelerate process of regeneration and eliminate scars.Бранолинд - ранозаживляющее средство

Branolind was widely used in dermatology and plastic surgery.

Structure and form of release Branolind

Branolind with the Peruvian balm release in the form of fabric bandages which are impregnated with the antiseptic and healing ointment.

Are a part of each bandage: ointment Branolind of 1 g, the Peruvian balm of 40 mg, glycerin, vaseline, цетомакрогол, the purified fat.

In each packaging there are about 10-30 pieces of sterile mesh bandages, also Branolind can be issued in unary packaging.

Indications to use Branolind

Branolind is shown for treatment and healing of wounds, burn defeats of integuments, chronic wounds, purulent abscesses and frostbites.

Branolind has positive reviews as an antiseptic agent for protection and clarification of wounds after the carried-out transplantation.

Pharmacological properties Branolind

Branolind with the Peruvian balm promotes bystry healing of wounds, accelerates process of outflow of the inflamed secret and prevents infection. Salve dressings do not interfere with air circulation and accelerate growth of fabrics.

These sterile bandages possess antiinflammatory and antiedematous action, and also is long keep antiseptic properties.

Branolind has good responses as medicine for healing of trophic ulcers, frostbites and chemical damages of skin.

After skin transplantation these bandages can be applied to improvement of engraftment of fabrics and acceleration of growth of an epithelium.

Branolind has hypoallergenic property, does not irritate integuments and is suitable for use on sensitive skin.

The Peruvian balm as a part of bandages represents oily liquid of dark color with a smell of vanilla which is effective for healing and is used by doctors since the 16th century. This balm consists of the useful acids and essential oils possessing effective therapeutic action.

Branolind with the Peruvian balm has high medical effect, increasing protective functions of an organism, thanks to the content of the benzoic acid, pitch alcohols and vanillin.Мазевая повязка Бранолинд

Application instruction Branolind

According to the instruction, Branolind before use it is necessary to unpack, then to cut out a bandage by the sizes of a wound or burn, and also to remove a protective film and to apply a bandage the field of damage.

If necessary the applied bandage can be recorded from above bandage or the sterile absorbing fabric.

According to the instruction, Branolind it is necessary to change daily (at burns in 2-3 days) when bandaging and to use during the entire period of treatment of a wound.

These salve dressings are suitable for use by the adult and to children, and also are effective for healing of both superficial, and deep damages.

At bandage burns Branolind it is necessary to use at all stages as they do not create burn crusts and protect a surface from harmful effects of the environment. The medical and analgesic effect of each bandage lasts from 40 to 74 hours.


Contraindications to use Branolind are the individual intolerance and existence of allergic reactions to medicine components, especially on the Peruvian balm.

It is not necessary to apply these aseptic dressings on the fabrics struck with a necrosis.

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Name of drug



Salve dressing Branolind 7,5kh10sm n1

25 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Salve dressing Branolind of N 7,5kh10sm 1 pieces

45 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Salve dressing Branolind 10kh20sm n1 (p)

59 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Salve dressing бранолинд n 10kh20sm n1p

81 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Branolind salve dressing No. 30 sterile 7.5kh10sm, Hartmann Paul

938 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Branolind N salve dressing No. 30 sterile 7.5kh10sm, Hartmann Paul

1716 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Branolind salve dressing No. 30 sterile 10kh20sm, Hartmann Paul

2270 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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