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Crazy frustration

Crazy frustration - type of a mental disease, differently called by paranoid frustration or psychosis which is characterized by existence of well systematized nonsense.

Difference Бредовое расстройство - тип психического заболеванияof crazy frustration from schizophrenia consists in strong belief of the patient in something false, but deprived of fancifulness and imagination. At this frustration the persecution complex, nonsense of jealousy or one-way love, dysmorphophobia, etc. can be shown. And in reality the situations endured by the patient can be either are inveracious, or are exaggerated.

At the same time people with crazy frustration are often socially active and adequate in the areas other than subject of nonsense. However in certain cases patients are so absorbed by the obsessions that their lives are destroyed.

Diagnosis of crazy frustration

This mental disease is diagnosed on the basis of the following signs:

  • Lack of disorder of the psychotic character caused by reception of psychotropic drugs;
  • Absence of persistent hallucinations;
  • Existence of the not excentric crazy system not characteristic of schizophrenia;
  • Prosecution of the crazy idea for three and more months.

At crazy frustration manifestation of symptoms of a depression is possible, however after affective displays of a disease the nature of the crazy ideas remains invariable.

The expressed nonsense is the brightest and only clinical characteristic of a disease and carries, as a rule, personal, but not subcultural character.

Reasons of crazy frustration

The exact reasons of emergence of crazy frustration, as well as many other diseases of mental character, are unknown. However specialists allocate three characteristic influencing factors for the person:

  • Genetic factor. It is caused by the fact that crazy frustration most often occurs at people whose relatives suffered from mental disturbances. It is considered that predisposition to emergence of crazy frustration can be descended from parents to children;
  • Biological factor. Doctors often connect formation of crazy symptoms with an imbalance of neurotransmitters in a brain - the substances helping nervous cells to exchange impulses;
  • Environment factor. There are data that as "releaser" of crazy frustration frequent stresses, an alcohol abuse and drugs, loneliness can act.

Organic crazy frustration

The main line of organic crazy frustration are the specifics of psychosis caused by either hereditary burdeness, or defeat of the relevant brain structures (passing or resistant). Organic crazy frustration can be divided into two groups: acute and chronic. Chronicities are characterized slow and, most often, by the irreversible course of pathological process.

In case of Медикаментозное лечение бредовых расстройствacute crazy frustration the psychopathological symptomatology occurs suddenly: as a rule, it is caused by sharp disturbance of functions of a brain (a craniocereberal injury, an acute infectious disease, etc.). As a result of treatment this disturbance can either become reversible, or to accept the progressing current.

Chronic crazy frustration

Refer a number of mental disturbances which cannot be classified as schizophrenic, organic and affective to chronic crazy frustration. The main clinical symptom of chronic crazy frustration - the steady nonsense lasting more than 3 months.

Forms of a course of chronic crazy frustration are various, and they are subdivided into 3 main types:

  • Paranoiac syndrome;
  • Paranoid syndrome;
  • Paraphrenic syndrome.

The paranoiac syndrome or paranoia is characterized by strong crazy system without hallucinations. The nonsense of paranoids is, as a rule, well systematized and develops without internal contradictions. Development of nonsense, of course, involves structural changes of the personality, however they do not bear symptoms of weak-mindedness and therefore these people seem to people around quite sane. From a paranoiac syndrome pathological "jealous men", "prophets", "inventors", "people of a high origin", etc. suffer.

At a paranoid syndrome the nonsense of the patient also keeps within a certain system, however it is less logical and more contradictory. In development of this type of crazy frustration the large role is played by unstable hallucinations - "voices" which comment on behavior of the paranoid. At a further course of a disease the nonsense can leave a mark on professional and private life of the person.

The paraphrenic syndrome or paraphrenia is characterized by existence of the fantastic, obviously invented nonsense. Certain place in course of this disease is taken by pseudohallucinations and false memoirs (confabulations) if they are not typically schizophrenic and make a small part from the overall clinical picture of the patient.

Treatment of crazy frustration

Treatment of crazy frustration consists in use of two complex methods: medicamentous and psychotherapeutic.

The main objective of psychotherapy consists in transferring of attention of the patient from a subject of its frustration on more constructive things. It is subdivided into the individual, family and cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy allowing to help the patient to learn and change the train of thought, causing it disturbance.

Drug treatment of crazy frustration is connected with reception of neuroleptics - the medicines which are applied to treatment of mental disturbances from the middle of the 50th years of last century. The essence of their action consists in blocking of receptors of dopamine in a brain. The medicines of new generation which are used for treatment of crazy frustration are the atypical neuroleptics influencing receptors of dopamine and serotonin. If at patients the depression, depression, uneasiness are observed, during therapy psychotherapists can appoint reception of tranquilizers and antidepressants.

Patients with severe forms of crazy frustration are hospitalized in medical institution until their state is not normalized.

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