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Ventral aorta

Ventral aorta. General characteristic

The ventral aorta represents continuation of a chest aorta. It is at the level of the front surface of vertebras of a waist, on the left side from a midline. Брюшная аорта человекаThe ventral aorta at the XII vertebra begins and reaches the IV-V lumbar vertebrae then branches, forming two ileal arteries. At the same time the unpaired median sacral artery departs from the place of division in the direction of a small pelvis.

Besides, the aorta has branches which are known as pristenochny and splanchnic branches of a ventral aorta.

Branches of a ventral aorta

Set of branchings of an aorta allow it to feed with blood the next to it bodies. Branches are divided into groups. The following belongs to pristenochny branches:

  • Lower phrenic artery. It is the big pair vessel responsible for blood supply of the lower surface of a diaphragm and adrenal glands;
  • The lumbar arteries representing 2 couples of large vessels. They deliver blood to muscles of a stomach, a back, and also skin, cellulose and a spinal cord.

Both pair groups of branches, and unpaired treat splanchnic vessels of an aorta. The arteries described below belong to steam rooms:

  • Average adrenal. Gives blood to an adrenal gland;
  • Renal. It is located from a back part of the lower vena cava. Approaching hiluses renalis, gives a branch in the form of the lower epinephral artery feeding an adrenal gland.

Unpaired splanchnic branches of a ventral aorta following:

  • The celiac trunk representing a vessel 1-2 cm long departs from an aorta about XII vertebras. Is divided into three other arteries: a) the left pancreas supplying with blood a stomach body, and also giving 12 branches feeding a gullet; b) the general hepatic, consisting of two arteries (actually hepatic, delivering blood to a gall bladder and a liver and gastroduodenal that feeds a pancreas, a duodenum and (through a gastroomental branch) walls of a stomach and a big epiploon); c) splenic, the feeding spleen, a stomach wall, partially a pancreas;
  • Upper mesenteric. Originates around the II lumbar vertebra, passes on the front surface of a duodenum, then is divided into several branches about an ileal pole. Branches in turn feed a pancreas, lean, blind, colonic and ileal guts;
  • The lower mesenteric. This artery originates around the III lumbar vertebra and gives several branches delivering blood to colonic and direct guts.

Diseases of a ventral aorta

Аневризма брюшной аорты Are the most widespread among the diseases affecting a ventral aorta described below:

1. Atherosclerosis of a ventral aorta. The cavity of the vessel affected with this illness becomes covered by lipoproteins which slow down a blood flow. Further growth of connecting fabric which is replaced with atherosclerotic plaques is possible. Pristupoobrazny abdominal pains, a meteorism, swelling, locks belong to symptoms of atherosclerosis of a ventral aorta. Pains can last till 3 o'clock (in hard cases). Most often their intensity decreases at reception of spasmolytic drugs, however emergence of diarrhea which frequency reaches 3 times a day is possible afterwards. In Calais at the same time the undigested remains of food can be quite often found. At mild cases of atherosclerosis of a ventral aorta attacks are limited to uncertain pain in a stomach or the right hypochondrium, emergence of an eructation and locks;

2. Aneurism of a ventral aorta represents expansion of a vessel in that its part where the wall is most weakened. The ventral aorta at the same time is considered the most vulnerable vessel since to three quarters of all diseases of such character it is the share of an aorta of belly department. Lack of timely treatment is capable to lead to ruptures of a ventral aorta and bleedings, including deadly. One more danger at aneurism is development of blood clot that is connected with disturbance of a blood flow in the struck vessel. For this reason it is important to pay attention to early symptoms of a disease in time: emergence of the pulsing education in an abdominal cavity, developing of severe pain in a waist, vomitings, and in certain cases and on discoloration of urine and blanching of extremities. To emergence of aneurism in general and to a rupture of a ventral aorta in particular patients with arterial hypertension, inflammatory processes of walls of an aorta, with inborn diseases of connecting fabric, and also the struck infectious diseases causing damages of walls of vessels are the most subject. The risk of development of atherosclerosis in persons whose age exceeds 60 years, at the smoking patients, and also at patients with the high ABP is high.

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