Application instruction:
Tserakson – the synthetic nootropic medicine applied at treatment of craniocereberal injuries and strokes.
Active component of Tserakson (цитиколин) has nootropic effect and, possessing a broad spectrum of activity:
Also Tserakson's use according to indications is effective at therapy of motive and sensitive neurologic disturbances of a vascular and degenerative etiology.
At a chronic hypoxia of a brain Tserakson, according to the instruction, is effective at treatment of many cognitive frustration, including:
Besides, the medicine against the background of a disease reduces display of amnesia and increases the level of attention and consciousness.
Tserakson release in a look:
Tserakson's analogs on the mechanism of action are medicines in various dosage forms:
According to the instruction, Tserakson appoint separately or as a part of complex therapy at treatment:
Tserakson it is contraindicated to apply against the background of the expressed vagotonia, hypersensitivity to medicine components, and also in pediatrics up to 18 years.
The question of a possibility of use according to Tserakson's testimonies at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation should be solved individually with the doctor as there are no reliable data about efficiency and safety of a medicine during these periods.
Tserakson in the form of solution for intake it is possible to accept irrespective of meal, previously having parted it in a small amount of water (no more half-glass).
The recommended dose at use in the acute period of an ischemic stroke and craniocereberal injury makes 1 g twice a day. Therapy duration – is not less than six weeks.
During the recovery period of hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes, a craniocereberal injury, and also at the cognitive and behavioural disturbances arising at vascular and degenerative diseases of a brain, Tserakson's solution is accepted on 5-10 ml to two times a day. Duration of treatment is defined by the doctor individually.
Intravenously Tserakson's solution is entered in the form of a slow injection or kapelno in doses:
The daily dose of Tserakson in tablets depending on disease severity makes 500 - 2000 mg for 1,5-2 months.
At advanced age at Tserakson's use in tablets or in the form of solution correction of a dose is not required.
Data on overdose by Tserakson are not presented in the instruction.
At Tserakson's use according to indications it is necessary to consider that he increases effects of a levodopa.
According to the instruction, Tserakson it is not necessary to appoint together with the drugs containing Meclofenoxatum.
According to reviews, Tserakson causes side effects in rare instances. At Tserakson's use, according to reviews, distinguish from frustration of a nervous system:
Also Tserakson, according to reviews, can cause:
Tserakson is among nootropic medicines of a prescription issue with a period of validity 3 years at observance of standard storage conditions.
Name of drug
Tserakson solution for инъ 500mg/4ml amp of 4 ml No. 5, Ferrer Internasyonal S.A.
688 rub.
Tserakson solution for intake 100mg/ml фл 30 ml, Ferrer Internasyonal S.A.
727 rub.
Tserakson solution for инъ 1000mg/4ml amp of 4 ml No. 5, Ferrer Internasyonal S.A.
1209 rub.
Tserakson solution for internal use a pack ice. 100mg/ml 10 ml of n10
1605 rub.
Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.
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