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Starvation miracle

Чудо голодания - книга Поля Брегга The people adhering in food of the principle of the use of natural products are called naturopaths or naturists. One of founders of the movement which is standing up for use in food only of natural products was Paul Bragg. Paul Bragg's book "A starvation miracle" was the most present best-seller of the time, and Paul Bragg lived up to 95 years, leading active lifestyle and not having chronic diseases. Daily he made jogs, long foot walks, played tennis, danced and could even surfboard. He believed that the person is able to extend the life, leading a reasonable life and, in particular, eating definitely. Its power supply system was based on a miracle starvation.

When the person does not observe starvation to Bragg across the field, he all the same has to follow certain rules in food. Not less than 60% of all volume of food have to make fruit and vegetables, generally in the raw. It is necessary to avoid whenever possible the products which underwent chemical industrial treatment. All food is preferable in the natural form and has to contain a minimum of salt and sugar, and also any synthetic components.

However Bragg did not insist on a complete elimination of such products. Just their volume has to be minimum.

In most cases, the food propagandized by it corresponds to recommendations of any nutritionist. But starvation according to Bragg was a basis of his technique of improvement. According to Paul Brega, only during such starvation the organism is cleared of all decomposition products and poisons, daily in it formed. And for this reason the miracle starvation needs to be carried out weekly, and once in 3 months it is worth starving 7-10 days. During such starvation the organism completely changes the power supply mode, spending internal stocks of energy instead of received from food. However reorganization of an organism not at all goes equally. In many cases to be adjusted on such mode very hard (in the form of crisis), people are frightened by their state, and they are simply forced to stop a miracle starvation.

Preparation to a miracle to starvation across the field to Bragg

Bragg said that when the person is internally ready for starvation positively and he considers it, as a clarification method from slags and toxins, success is guaranteed. In his opinion, such mood will lead to the fact that each cell of an organism "will heartily welcome" starvation and will accept it.

Beginning starvation according to Bragg, it is not necessary to inform of it many people, it is not necessary to ask excess councils. It is necessary to be adjusted, listen to the body and feelings only correctly. And the main thing – is firm to believe in success a starvation miracle.

Starvation across the field to Bragg

Those who starves for the first time should not refuse food at once more than for 10 days.

It is necessary to begin a miracle starvation with complete 24-hour starvation during which it is possible to drink the distilled water only. At first during starvation it is necessary to be followed up by a doctor.

According to Brega, it is necessary to prepare for more than ten-day starvation carefully. Starvation in 21 or 35 days can be deadly even for almost healthy person. Therefore during such starvation across the field not only control of the doctor, but also carrying out a number of specialized researches is necessary for Bragg. Mainly, it is necessary to control work of kidneys, on them function of removal of toxins and poisons from an organism lays down. If the doctor during the research notes that loading is extremely high, then starvation needs to be interrupted. In time a miracle of starvation it is also necessary to watch the feelings. Naturally, it is impossible to starve and feel for all 100%, but also sharp deterioration in the general state should not be.

According to Paul Bragg's book "A starvation miracle", by the long period of hunger it is necessary to go gradually. At first it is possible to practice 24-hour hunger, then 3-4 day starvation once a month. And having only completed 5-6 such courses, it is possible to come without problems to week starvation, and in one or two years to pass to lengthening of this period.

24-hour miracle starvation according to Bragg

It is possible to starve in any time span: from a dinner till a dinner, or from a breakfast till a breakfast. It is possible to drink only the distilled water. If it is absolutely impossible to stay all this time without food, then the small indulgence is allowed: 1/3 teaspoons of honey or 1 spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice dissolved in water. Bragg considered that than thirst and water consumption are more, the organism is better exempted by that from toxins.

Also in time the starvation miracle according to Bragg is important to reside in high spirits. He advised several times to repeat certain words and to be adjusted on good. These phrases can be found in Paul Bragg's book "A starvation miracle":

- This day I handed my body in nature hands. I addressed the highest forces for internal clarification and updating.

- Every minute starvations I expel dangerous poisons from my organism. Each hour when I starve, I become happier and happier.

- Hour after an hour clears my organism itself.

How to leave starvation

After the end of starvation the correct transition to usual food is important. The first eaten food is a fresh vegetables salad: cabbage, carrots with lemon or orange juice. Salad will stimulate work of a stomach and intestines.

After that it is possible to make boiled vegetables (for example, tomatoes).

It is possible to eat a little meat, milk, cheese or oil only later. But it is worth remembering about Bragg's relation to these products in general.Дистиллированная вода - единственное, что можно во время суточного голодания по Бреггу

Long starvation according to Bragg

Any long starvation needs to be carried out in a condition of full psychological comfort and tranquility. It is necessary to refuse viewing of the TV, an unnecessary talk and actions, i.e. all that prevents to concentrate on a miracle starvation. Whenever possible, the privacy in comfortable conditions is desirable. Completely it is necessary to exclude exercise stresses and even walks, and also fire. It can be done only at stable good health.

It is necessary to listen to himself, however to try to drive away fear and uncertainty in itself.

The thought-over exit from any long starvation is necessary. Bragg offered the following option: for the 7th day of starvation to eat 4-5 average sizes of the tomatoes scalded by boiled water or thrown into the boiling water. Tomatoes have to be cleared, and it is necessary eat them with cold.

For the eighth day, for breakfast it is possible to make fresh vegetables salad: carrots and cabbage with orange juice 1/2. After that – a little stewed greens with white bread.

For lunch same salad and 2 vegetable dishes: it is possible to boil cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, green peas.

For the ninth day, for breakfast any fruit with 2 spoons of the sprouted wheat with honey will approach (to 1 tablespoon). The lunch can consist of boiled vegetables salad. The dinner is similar to a lunch for the seventh day.

From the tenth day it is necessary to pass to usual vegetarian kitchen.

It is necessary to remember that after long the miracle of starvation can be absent appetite. It you should not be frightened. After a while everything will rise on the places.

Also after starvation it is important "to start" work of intestines correctly. According to Brega, it is not necessary to use laxatives or an enema. At the balanced and healthy nutrition the organism itself will cope with this task.

Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.