Main > Drugs> Cyclophosphanum


Cyclophosphanum – the alkylating connection. Antineoplastic medicine.Противоопухолевый препарат Циклофосфан

Structure and form of release of Cyclophosphanum

Drug is produced in the form of white crystal powder for preparation of solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration. Each bottle contains active component – 200 mg of cyclophosphamide.

Pharmacological action

According to the instruction Cyclophosphanum is the alkylating cytostatic drug, on the chemical composition similar to nitric analogs of yperite.

The mechanism of effect of drug consists in formation of cross stitchings between RNA and DNA threads, and also in inhibition of synthesis of protein.

Indications to use of Cyclophosphanum

According to the instruction Cyclophosphanum is shown in the following cases:

  • chronic lymphoid leukosis or acute lymphoblastoid leukosis;
  • nekhodzhkinsky lymphoma;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • breast cancer, ovaries;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • fungoid mycosis;
  • retinoblastoma;
  • neuroblastoma.

Cyclophosphanum is applied in a combination with other antineoplastic medicines to treatment:

  • germinogenny tumors;
  • cancer of a lung, bladder, neck of uterus, prostate;
  • sarcomas of soft tissues, Ewing's sarcomas;
  • reticulosarcomas;
  • Vilms's tumors.

Besides, Cyclophosphanum is according to reviews effective as immunosuppressive cure for the progressing autoimmune diseases (psoriasis arthritis, a pseudorheumatism, autoimmune hemolitic anemia, collagenoses, a nephrotic syndrome), and also for suppression of reaction of graft rejection.


In the instruction to Cyclophosphanum the following contraindications are specified:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the expressed dysfunction of marrow;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • urination delay;
  • active infections;
  • cystitis.

According to reviews it is necessary to appoint Cyclophosphanum with care at:

  • to nefrourolitiaza;
  • serious illness of a liver, heart and kidneys;
  • to gout in the anamnesis;
  • infiltrations of marrow tumor cells;
  • adrenalectomies;
  • oppression of function of marrow.

Route of administration of Cyclophosphanum and mode of dosing

Лекарственная форма Циклофосфана - порошок для приготовления раствораAccording to the instruction Cyclophosphanum is applied intramusculary or intravenously. Cyclophosphamide is to compound components of many schemes of treatment of oncological diseases. The dosage and a way of introduction depends on specific testimonies and portability of the patient.

Average dosages of Cyclophosphanum for children and adults:

  • from 50 to 100 mg on sq.m every day for two-three weeks;
  • from 100 to 200 mg on sq.m twice or three times a week for three or four weeks;
  • from 600 to 750 mg on sq.m once in two weeks;
  • from 1500 to 2000 mg on sq.m once a month to a total dose of 6-14 g.

In case of Cyclophosphanum combination with other antineoplastic drugs decrease in a dosage not only cyclophosphamide, but also other means can be required.

Side effects of Cyclophosphanum

According to reviews Cyclophosphanum causes the following side effects:

  • System of digestion: anorexia, vomiting, nausea, discomfort and pains in abdominal area, stomatitis, a lock or a diarrhea. The separate reviews of Cyclophosphanum testimonial of developing of jaundice, hemorrhagic colitis arrived.
  • System of a hemopoiesis: neutropenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia. For 7-14 day of treatment small decrease in quantity of thrombocytes and leukocytes can be observed.
  • Integuments: alopecia. Hair grow after completion of administration of drug again. Besides, during treatment on skin there can be rash, the xanthopathy and change of nails is observed.
  • Cardiovascular system: at introduction of high dosages of Cyclophosphanum throughout a long period cardiotoxicity can be observed. Besides, cases of heart failure owing to hemorrhagic myocarditis were observed difficult, sometimes with a lethal outcome.
  • Urinary system: a necrosis of renal tubules (up to the death of the patient), hemorrhagic cystitis or an urethritis, bladder fibrosis. In urine epithelial cells of a bladder can be observed. On rare responses Cyclophosphanum in high dosages can lead to a nephropathy, a hyperuricemia and a renal failure.
  • Respiratory system: intersticial pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Reproductive system: disturbance of a spermatogenesis and oogenesis, sterility (in certain cases irreversible character). At many women the amenorrhea develops. After the treatment termination regular periods are, as a rule, recovered. Administration of drug by men can lead to an azoospermism or an oligospermatism, an atrophy of testicles of various degree.
  • Allergies: urticaria, skin rash and itch, anaphylactic reactions.
  • Other side effects: rushes of blood to face skin, a hyperemia of the person, development of secondary malignant tumors, the increased perspiration, a headache.

Special instructions

During use of Cyclophosphanum it is regularly necessary to observe the level of thrombocytes and neutrophils in blood and to make the test of urine on quantity of erythrocytes.

It is necessary to stop treatment by Cyclophosphanum according to the instruction in the following cases:

  • at emergence of symptoms of cystitis with macro - or a microhematuria;
  • at decrease in level of thrombocytes to 100000/mkl and more;
  • at decrease in level of leukocytes to 2500/mkl and more;
  • when developing heavy infections.

During use of drug it is forbidden to take alcoholic drinks. For the entire period of treatment it is necessary to use reliable methods of contraception.

Storage conditions

Cyclophosphanum is stored at a temperature not above 10 degrees Celsius. A period of validity – 36 months.

Whether you know that:

If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.