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from 388 rub.

Zincite (zinkit) – biologically active nutritional supplement accepted at deficit of zinc in an organism.

Pharmacological effect of Zincite

Active Цинкит в упаковкеcomponent of Zincite – zinc sulfate, fills shortage of zinc. Use of drug according to the instruction leads to increase in body resistance to infectious diseases, fast recovery at catarrhal diseases, to memory improvement, reduction of a hair loss, increase in working capacity and promotes healing of wounds.

Release form

Zincite is produced in the form of tablets for preparation of sparkling drink in tubas on 10 pieces, on 2 tubas in a box. One tablet of Zincite (weight in 4,5 g) contains:

  • zinc sulfate – 44 mg;
  • citric acid – 2,3084 g;
  • hydrosodium carbonate - 1,6753 g;
  • sorbitol – 0,4187 g;
  • sodium cyclomate – 0,0315 g;
  • aromatic additive (passion fruit) – 0,0135 g;
  • sodium saccharinate – 0,0086 g.

Zincite analogs

Zincite analogs on active ingredient are not released.

On the mechanism of action and belonging to one pharmacological group carry to Zincite analogs:

  • Vitadil GMI;
  • Gepatsink;
  • NAC Kompleks;
  • Naturetto.

Indications to Zincite use

According to the instruction Zincite is appointed for prevention and elimination of deficit of zinc. Treatment by drug is appointed in a case:

  • gipotsinkemiya which origins diseases of a liver, kidneys, a hypovitaminosis of D, burns, psoriasis, enteritis, a helminthic invasion are;
  • the increased release of the zinc resulting from a diabetes mellitus, a pseudorheumatism, a lupus erythematosus, catarrhal diseases during pregnancy and a lactation, at reception of glucocorticoids.

Can result in deficit of zinc:

  • · improper feeding;
  • · unbalanced diet;
  • · zinc absorption disturbance (at intestinal diseases);
  • · the strengthened release of zinc (at alcoholism, reception of laxative drugs or other medicines).

According to reviews Zincite is recommended to be included in a food allowance as dietary additive with an additional source of zinc.

Zincite route of administration

According to the instruction Zincite is applied inside on an empty stomach, in time or after meal. At pathology of digestive tract use of Zincite before meal is inadmissible. Before use medicine needs to be dissolved in a glass of water.

The dosage of means depends on age and a disease.

At prevention of deficit of zinc the dosage depends on the daily need for zinc:

  • babies – 10-15 mg a day;
  • children – 15-20 mg a day;
  • adult 15-25 mg a day.

At an enteropatichesky acrodermatitis treatment with Zincite is begun with a dose in 200-400 mg a day, for a maintenance therapy the dose makes 50 mg a day.

Duration of a course of reception of Zincite according to the instruction makes 1 month, it is possible to repeat a course 2-3 times a year.

Drug is accepted in two hours after the use of ferriferous drugs and tetracycline antibiotics.

At the parallel use of Zincite with the drugs containing zinc medical consultation is necessary.


According to Цинкит в таблеткахthe instruction Zincite is contraindicated to use at individual intolerance active or the auxiliary components which are a part of medicine.

Zincite with care is appointed in cases:

  • immune encephalitis;
  • acute renal failure;
  • parenchymatous damage of kidneys;
  • pregnancies;
  • in the period of a lactation.

Use of Zincite during pregnancy is admissible in case of the proved deficit of zinc in an organism.

Side effects

Use of drug according to the instruction causes complications extremely seldom, however, according to reviews Zincite in case of overdose can cause:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • renal failure;
  • dehydration;
  • lethargy;
  • failures in work of respiratory system;
  • changes of chemical composition of blood;
  • disturbances of muscular functions.

Storage conditions

Zincite needs to be stored in the unavailable to children and protected from light hit dry place, at the room temperature not above 25 °C. The period of storage at observance of recommendations makes 3 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Zincite sparkling tablets 10 of Mg of 20 pieces

388 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Zincite тбл ship.10mg No. 20, Woerwag Pharma

453 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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