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from 833 rub.

Tsinnabsin – homeopathic antiinflammatory medicine.Противовоспалительный препарат Циннабсин

Pharmacological properties

Drug is used for a symptomatic treatment of inflammatory processes of okolonosovy bosoms. Cinnabaris active component oppresses a painful symptom, suppresses dacryagogue, eliminates symptoms of front neuralgia. Hydrastis and Kalium bichromicum are especially active during the acute and subacute periods during chronic or prolonged sinusitis. All three above-mentioned active components of Tsinnabsin promote removal of puffiness of a mucous membrane that leads further to a complete recovery of nasal breath.

The indication to Tsinnabsin's use

Drug and Tsinnabsin's analogs apply at treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes of nasal bosoms (sinusitis).

Route of administration of Tsinnabsin

During acute disease to children up to twelve years appoint eight tablets a day (every two hours on one tablet) before removal of symptoms. Further about one tablet three times within a day is recommended to accept.

In comments on Tsinnabsin it is told that for children is aged more senior than twelve years at an acute condition or an aggravation of inflammatory processes reception on one tablet is recommended each 60 minutes. The maximum daily dosage makes twelve tablets. Further to accept drug on one-two tablets three times a day.

At the chronic course of inflammatory diseases apply longer course of treatment.

Drug and Tsinnabsin's analogs accept in 30 minutes prior to food, or in 30 minutes after the main meal. Tsinnabsin's tablet is rassasyvat in a mouth before full dissolution. At purpose of drug to children is younger than three-year age, it is recommended to dissolve a tablet in a small amount of water in a glass or a teaspoon.


In comments on Tsinnabsin it is told that there is a number of contraindications to drug use. It is not recommended to use drug at hypersensitivity to its active components, and also to chrome, ekhinatsy and to other representatives of family of a thistle family. Besides, in the instruction to Tsinnabsin it is noted that drug is contraindicated at tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, an immunodeficiency, and also at chronic viral diseases.Циннабсин в таблетках

Side effects of Tsinnabsin

In the instruction to Tsinnabsin it is told that at use of drug manifestations of such side effects as skin rashes, intestinal and gastric frustration, and also hypersensitivity reactions to separate components of drug are possible. At emergence of similar manifestations it is necessary to consult with the attending physician and to suspend Tsinnabsin's reception.

Special instructions

In some cases, when using homeopathic medicines, some aggravation of symptoms is noted. At the aggravation of a course of a disease provoked by Tsinnabsin's reception it is recommended to stop immediately a course of treatment and to see behind consultation the attending physician.

Tsinnabsin contains wheat starch therefore administration of drug is contraindicated to patients with hypersensitivity or intolerance of gluten in the structure.

In view of lack of the confirmed experimental and clinical data, children are not recommended to accept drug is younger than two-year age.

Tsinnabsin's use during pregnancy and in the period of a lactation

In the instruction to Tsinnabsin it is noted that use of drug during pregnancy and feeding by a breast perhaps only after objective medical assessment of a ratio of risk advantage for mother and a fruit.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Tsinnabsin of a tablet homeopathic 100 pieces

833 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Tsinnabsin тбл for рассасыв. No. 100, Deutsche Homoopathie Union

1104 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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