Main > Drugs> Dentokind


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 776 rub.

ДентокиндDentokind is the natural drug used for elimination of painful feelings at a teething at children of chest and younger age.

Pharmacological action

Dentokind's action is caused by properties of the active components which are its part to which the belladonna, a hamomilla, феррум фосфорикум, гепар сульфурис and a pasque flower пратенсис belong.

Dentokind has ability to eliminate hypostasis, a hyperemia of gums, to take off pain.

Also Dentokind responses characterize as drug which the symptoms accompanying a teething, in particular, fever and disturbances of a chair will allow to eliminate.

Indications to use

The instruction recommends to apply Dentokind at a teething at children to elimination of painful feelings of gums and such epiphenomena as an ear-ache, fever, diarrhea.

Application instruction of Dentokind

Dentokind is issued in the form of tablets. It is necessary to accept this drug in 30 minutes prior to food or in 30 minutes after meal, holding in a mouth before full dissolution.

At treatment of babies of a tablet Dentokind it is necessary to dissolve previously in 1 teaspoon of water.

Children of the first year of life are recommended to give on 1 Dentokind to a tablet according to the following scheme: the first two days drug is accepted each hour, without exceeding the daily dose equal to 6 tablets, after improvement of a state – 3 times a day.

To children from 1 year to 6 years appoint on 2 Dentokind tablets according to the scheme described above, at the same time the daily dose should not exceed 12 tablets. The course of treatment usually makes 2-4 days, however increase in duration of treatment or repeated carrying out a course is possible.

If after 3 days of use of Dentokind improvements in a condition of the child did not follow, it is necessary to see a doctor for change of tactics of treatment

Side effects

Dentokind, responses confirm, is well transferred by children and does not cause undesirable effects.

At the beginning of use of tablets Dentokind expressiveness of symptoms of a teething can increase, in this case it is necessary either to reduce a dose, or to increase a period between receptions.


Дентокинд детямThe instruction does not recommend to apply Dentokind to children with a galactosemia (disturbance of process of transformation of a galactose to glucose), a lactose intolerance (disturbances in digestion of dairy products) and malabsorption (loss) of a glyukozo-galactose.

Use of drug is contraindicated and at hypersensitivity to Dentokind's components.

Information is additional

The dry room and temperature which is not exceeding 250C – necessary conditions for Dentokind's storage. The period of validity of drug makes 5 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Dentokind of a tablet homeopathic 150 pieces

776 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Dentokind тбл for рассас. No. 150, DHU Arzneimittel

964 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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