The medical diet 12 is appointed for recovery of normal functioning of a nervous system. In a table of a diet 12 the foodstuff exciting a nervous system of the person (spicy and fried food, alcohol, coffee) is completely excluded. The essence of this diet consists in restriction of amount of table salt, fats and carbohydrates. The quantity of the products saturated with phosphoric salts is increased. These are dairy products, bean, a liver.
The daily diet at a diet 12 has to include not less than 350 g of carbohydrates, 70 g of fats (30% of a plant origin), 80-90 g of proteins (60% of animal origin), and also about 6 g of table salt and 1,5 - 2,5 l of liquid. The diet of this diet provides meal to five times a day. Energy value of a diet 12 can make from 2300 to 2400 kcal.
It is possible to include the dried dietary bread, cookies, a biscuit in a table of a diet number 12. Low-fat veal, beef, rabbit flesh, a turkey, a liver and language can be eaten in the baked, boiled look, and also in the form of meatballs and cutlets. The use of low-fat grades of fish is allowed (a perch, a pike, a cod and seafood). Dairy products – kefir, milk, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, sour cream are resolved. At a diet of the 12th egg, the prepared soft-boiled, it is possible to include in a diet in limited quantity (up to two pieces a day). During this diet porridges from any grain, and also soups and puddings with addition of grain are resolved. It is impossible to eat acute vegetables. In food carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, vegetable marrows, beet, tomatoes are allowed. It is possible for sweet at this diet any. It is possible to add to a diet fresh fruit, dried fruits, honey, sugar, candies without chocolate. It is possible to cook smetanny, tomato, onions sauces. From drinks green tea, various juice from fruit and vegetables, herbal teas are recommended. Food should be cooked on creamy, vegetable oils.
At observance of a diet 12 it is necessary to refuse all products from puff pastry. It is impossible to eat sausage, canned food, semi-finished products, fat grades of meat, fish in a fried or salty look, canned food from fishes, caviar. During a diet it is better to refuse the use of onions, garlic, cucumbers, a sorrel, a garden radish, a radish completely. Horse-radish, pepper, mustard and hot sauces is excluded from a diet. Black tea, coffee, alcohol, cocoa are prohibited.
For the first breakfast at a diet 12 it is possible to eat two soft-boiled eggs, milk porridge, herbal tea. For the second breakfast it is possible to drink broth of a dogrose and to eat a biscuit. The lunch can consist of potatoes soup, meat meatballs or boiled meat with bean puree and compote. For an afternoon snack it is possible to drink juice or broth from hips. For dinner it is possible to make baked pudding or a pudding, to bake fish with potatoes in sour cream. To drink tea. Before going to bed it is necessary to drink milk or kefir.
Recipes of a dietary table 12 can include all products, necessary at this type of a diet. Products have to be combined well with each other. Only then useful substances will be acquired most effectively.
Sour cream salad will allow to satisfy hunger and to saturate an organism with vitamins. Green and juicy lettuce leaves will be necessary for its preparation. Leaves should be washed, to dry, cut and put a little in a salad bowl. To add 50 g of sour cream to them, to salt a little, and then to add small cut fennel or parsley.
Useful components of eggplant caviar during a diet 12 will fill a human body with necessary energy. For preparation of caviar from eggplants it is necessary to remove a fruit stem and to bake them in an oven at a temperature of 150 °C to readiness. Then to cool, clean and cut eggplants with small pieces. After that eggplants with carrots (25 g) and tomatoes (100 g) it is necessary to extinguish about half an hour. To salt, cool and lay out the thickened weight in a salad bowl.
As a garnish it is possible to cook potatoes. To clear 100 g of potatoes, to cut, weld small on average fire or on couple. Water to merge, add salt, milk (50 ml) to potatoes and to cook to readiness. To add a small piece of butter to ready potatoes. It is possible to strew a dish with small cut fennel. Is hot.
Recipes of a dietary table 12 shall include cabbage, it helps to bring harmful substances out of a human body. It is possible to prepare a cauliflower in sour cream with greens. For this purpose it is necessary to take about 300 g of cabbage, to wash, cut and boil in the added some salt water. Then to add lettuce leaves (10 g), sour cream (15 g) and greens (5 g) to cabbage.
It is necessary to include dishes with haricot in a table of a diet number 12. Haricot before preparation needs to be presoaked for three-four hours.
Haricot can be stewed with prunes. For this purpose it should be welded in water to semi-readiness, and then to add small cut prunes (50 g), sour cream (40 g), butter (20 g) and salt. To extinguish to readiness of haricot.
During a diet 12 it is possible to include in a diet also beet as it normalizes pressure. Baked beet is very useful. For its preparation it is necessary to boil at first beet to semi-readiness, to clean and cut with pieces. To take small carrots, to peel it and to wash, rub on a grater, to add a little sugar and to mix. On the baking sheet greased with butter to put beet pieces, and on them small layers to lay out carrots. The furnace to full readiness in the oven which is previously warmed to 120 °C. Before giving on a table to fill in each slice of beet with sour cream.
For a dessert it is possible to prepare jelly on the basis of cherry juice or apricot mousse. For preparation of jelly it is necessary to mix 200 ml of water from 100 ml of cherry juice. To boil, add sugar (40 g) and the dissolved gelatin (6 g). Received by jelly it is necessary to leave for 10-15 minutes, and then to pour out in molds. Every portion jelly can decorate with cherry and to put in the refrigerator for hardening.
For preparation of apricot mousse apricots without stones should be boiled, and then to wipe fruit together with broth through a sieve. To put divorced gelatin (4 g), sugar (12 g), citric acid (0,1 g) in the received weight, to cool. Then weight to shake up, pour in forms and to put to the cool place.
At a diet No. 12 pumpkin can add recipes of a dietary table. It contains a set of components, useful to an organism. To clean 150 g of pumpkin and to cut, fry small on melted butter. To lay out slices of pumpkin on a baking sheet and to decorate with wild strawberry berries. To send to the oven warmed to 120-150 °C. The furnace to full readiness. Before giving on a table to water each slice of pumpkin with sour cream.
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