Main > Reference book of diets> Diet 5:2 (Bystraya diet)

Diet 5:2 (Bystraya diet)

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Продолжительность:от 7 days

3,5 of 5

The effective diet directed to activation of a metabolism. It is possible to adhere to it as much as long, the diet promotes improvement.

The recommended chastota:lyuby
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

The author Diyety 5:2 is the English doctor and the journalist Michael Mosley. Its system of dietary food is called still "discontinuous starvation". It consists of five days of normal food (about 2000 kcal/days) and two fasting days (500-600 kcal/days). As a result of considerable reduction of caloric content of a diet two times a week the organism has a stress. Such "uneven" schedule of receipt of energy strengthens metabolism, including activates process of combustion of fats. The author claims that short-term low-calorie stresses are more useful to an organism, than long diets as during long restrictions of a diet there is an accustoming and weight loss is slowed down.

Rules of the Diet 5:2:

  • Fasting days should not be spent one by one. It is better to adhere to the scheme 3:1 (three normal days and one unloading) or 2:1;
  • During fasting day the break between a breakfast and a dinner has to make strictly 12 hours. For example, breakfast at 8:00, dinner at 20:00;
  • Dishes prepare in the sparing ways (boiling, roasting, processing the ferry, on a grill);
  • In usual days food has to be healthy: a diet, full-fledged from the point of view of useful substances, to exclude harmful and high-calorific products, to eat 5-6 times a day small portions, is not before going to bed;
  • During the day it is necessary to drink not less than 1,5 pure l.

After achievement of desirable weight for its maintenance it is recommended to adhere to the scheme 10:1 or 7:1, that is for 10 or 7 normal days one unloading has to have.

Диета 5:2 (Быстрая диета): правила питания


The diet 5:2 helps to get rid of 1-2 kg in a week, such speed of loss of weight is considered the most physiologic. The diet includes all useful products therefore in process of weight reduction the health improves, there is a cheerfulness, small indispositions disappear.

This power supply system does not demand strict control of a diet and any special conditions and products, it is simple. Fasting days can be spent to convenient time, it is transferred they psychologically easily and without failures.

Shortcomings and contraindications

During fasting days weakness, an indisposition and fatigue, especially at the beginning of a diet (in 1-2 weeks the organism adapts) is sometimes felt. The refusal of food for 12 hours can lead to a gastric disturbance.

During days with a limited diet it is necessary to exclude power trainings. It is better to give preference to cardioloadings.

The diet is contraindicated at chronic diseases of bodies of the alimentary system.

What products are resolved?

In a diet of the Diet 5:2 have to be only useful products:

  • Low-fat grades of meat and fish;
  • Dairy and lactic products;
  • Grain;
  • Fresh vegetables, fruit and berries.

What products are prohibited?

  • Greasy, fried food;
  • Flour products;
  • Fast food;
  • Sweets;
  • Alcohol.


Approximate menu of two fasting days of the Diet 5:2:

First day (490 kcal)

Breakfast (190 kcal) – porridge, 40 g of bread from coarse flour, apple.

Dinner (300 kcal) – chicken fillet with olive oil, orange.

Second day (500 kcal)

Breakfast (290 kcal) – an omelet from two eggs with tomato and 30 g of cheese.

Dinner (300 kcal) – 100 g of low-fat fish, a half of orange.

Useful tips

Council 1: Occasionally (is not more often than 1 time a week) in usual day it is possible to dare to deviate from a diet, for example, to drink a glass of natural wine, to eat piece of cake or 1-2 chocolates.

Council 2: During days with a limited diet it is necessary to exclude power trainings. It is better to give preference to cardioloadings.

Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.