Characteristic of a diet | Final assessment |
Prodolzhitelnost:7 days |
4 of 5 The diet is developed by the popular teacher of yoga therefore it is optimum for those who practice yoga. Anyway on this diet the exercise stress is necessary. |
Recommended частота:раз in 2 months | |
Speed of loss of weight: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
The author of a diet – the teacher, very popular in the USA, yogis Baron the Baptist. The power supply system created by him clears an organism, helps to lose quickly weight, prepares for transition to more useful type of food interfering a set of weight in the future.
This power supply system clears an organism, normalizes a metabolism, thereby promoting improvement.
The diet of the Baron Baptist is intended for those who practice yoga. Therefore during its carrying out regular exercise stresses are assumed. If there is no desire or an opportunity to practice yoga, swimming, fitness or dances will approach.
Rules of a diet of the Baron Baptist:
The author recommends not to be returned upon termination of a diet to the former food which led to excess weight. It is better to expand gradually the list of the natural products offered in its system, keeping the main restrictions – refusal of sugar and fat meat.
In 7 days of a diet of the Baron Baptist it is possible to get rid of 3-4 kg.
This power supply system clears an organism, normalizes a metabolism, thereby promoting improvement.
The diet of the Baron Baptist is contraindicated at a diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases of bodies of a GIT and kidneys.
The menu of a diet of the Baron Baptist for 7 days:
First and second days |
Right after a dream: a glass of warm water with 1 h l. honey and juice of a half of a lemon. Breakfast: fruit juice or fruit, few pine nuts, glass of yogurt, tea. Lunch: 1 carbohydrate dishes, 1 proteinaceous dish, fresh vegetables salad. Afternoon snack: fresh vegetables or fruit. Dinner: 1 carbohydrate dishes, 1 proteinaceous dish, fresh vegetables salad, the fresh or baked fruit. |
Third, fourth and fifth days |
To divide fruit, tomatoes, avocado into 5-6 meals. |
Sixth and seventh days |
Right after a dream: a glass of warm water with 1 h l. honey and juice of a half of a lemon. Breakfast: any freshly squeezed fruit juice or fruit, handful of pine nuts, glass of yogurt, tea. Lunch: 1 carbohydrate dishes, 1 proteinaceous dish, the salad filled with lemon juice or vinegar. Afternoon snack: fresh vegetables or fruit. Dinner: 1 carbohydrate dishes, 1 proteinaceous dish, fresh vegetables salad, the fresh or baked fruit. |
Council 1: It is possible to diversify preferential fruit diet of 3, 4 and 5 days with fresh vegetables salads.
Council 2: Juice of a half of a lemon on one glass of water – such proportion can be excessive for many people therefore it is admissible to reduce amount of lemon juice to several drops.
The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.
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