During a certain span the use of the fat-free food stuffs was a peculiar trend. The modern medical science adheres to other point of view.
The correct healthy diet is inconceivable without inclusion of fats. They are not simply useful, but also are absolutely necessary for one and all groups of cells of a human body. The fatty component is integral for implementation of processes of metabolism.
Fats during the periods of observance of diets as they allow an organism to have feeling of saturation and satisfaction of meals are especially important. Besides, lack of fats in a diet constitutes essential health hazard of the person as leads to spasmodic changes of level of glucose of blood, that is can become the reason of development of a diabetes mellitus. Moreover – sharp decrease in sugar in blood will be stimulated by appetite, and, so to promote increase in body weight.
Choosing for itself a diet without fats, it is worth concentrating over replacement of fats – cholesterol sources on fats useful: nuts, olive and linseed oil, fat sea fish which are ideal sources of fats, valuable to a human body. Besides, it is unconditional, it is necessary to control their daily quantity.
Reviews of a diet without fats demonstrate that it is possible to call its observance martyr. The person hardly manages to hold himself within the offered power supply system, he constantly hungers. Many break, and as a result body weight often increases. Those racks which manage to observe all recommendations of a diet differ in poor quality of life. Few people who managed to hold on in system long term got general chronic diseases.
Even more harmful version is the diet without fats and carbohydrates. Some ignorant propagandists of weight loss brought carbohydrates to the level of the most harmful products. Actually carbohydrates are irreplaceable an energy source and provide brain food.
To lose weight for all comers by means of such diet there is a reasonable alternative. It consists in replacement of simple carbohydrates with difficult: brown rice, porridge, whole-grain bread and other are ideal products and sources of vitamins of group B.
Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.
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Section: Articles about health