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Diet tea with milk

Diet tea with milk – the special diet promoting weight loss, based on the use of the drink made from milk and tea. Efficiency of a molokochayny diet – to 7 kg for the period. Such way of weight reduction belongs to rigid and bystry diets. Terms of observance of a diet vary from 1 to 10 days depending on the chosen menu.Особенности диеты чай с молоком для похудения

Diet tea with milk: basic principles of weight loss

The diet молокочай is one of simple methods of weight reduction. Hardly it is possible to call such diet full as all products, except milk with tea which use is also limited are excluded from a diet. Actually molokochayny diet is an unloading period when the organism is cleared and recovered. Clarification of a GIT – the basic principle of action of a diet.

Tea with milk it is easy to keep to a diet as milk promotes saturation of an organism, saving from feeling of hunger. Milk and tea perfectly supplement useful properties of each other. Tea as a part of drink promotes bystry digestion of milk fats, a tannin in its structure protects a mucous membrane of a stomach from products of fermentation of milk which in turn softens effect of the alkaloids and caffeine which are contained in tea.

For achievement of the maximum result and advantage of a diet tea with milk is better to use grades of green tea.

Green tea is one of the best sources of the antioxidants promoting removal of toxins and interfering their education in an organism. Green tea contains amino acids, essential oils, vitamins (the vitamin A maintaining the normal state of mucous membranes, and also B1 vitamins (thiamin), B9 (folic acid), B2 (Riboflavinum), B12, PP (niacin), the majority of which does not synthesize a human body).

Milk молокочай contains lactose, proteins of milk in a diet diet the casein, albumine, globulin necessary for maintenance of functioning of heart, kidneys, a liver. Milk is a source of calcium and vitamins, and also contains about 20 amino acids, irreplaceable for an organism.

Tea in a diet diet молокочай promotes removal of toxins while milk starts natural processes of clarification of a GIT. The main advantage of a diet tea with milk is the concentrated portion of vitamins, micro and the macrocells coming to an organism with drink that allows to avoid a physical and psychological stress during weight loss.

Molokochayny diet: indications and contraindications to observance

Molokochayny diet – a safe way of disposal of extra kilos owing to the fact that it is possible to keep to a rigid diet no more than 3 days. During this period the organism receives necessary vitamins and elements, and also nutrients though the caloric content of a diet is very reduced. There are special indications and contraindications for observance of a molokochayny diet.

The main contraindications for a diet tea with milk are:

  • Allergy to the main ingredients;
  • Problems with digestion of milk protein, a lactose intolerance (deficit of the enzyme splitting milk sugar that leads to abdominal distention and diarrhea);
  • Dysfunction of kidneys and problem with removal of liquid from an organism.

Indications to observance of a diet tea with milk are:

  • Excess weight;
  • Long period of an overeating;
  • Unhealthy food on a constant basis;
  • Feeling of weight and discomfort in a stomach.

The diet молокочай can be kept as recreational starvation for the purpose of removal from an organism of slags and toxins. In that case the diet is kept 1 day in the most high security. For achievement of more significant results in weight reduction the molokochayny diet is recommended to keep up to 3 days, at the same time having added a diet with low-calorie products.

Tea with milk for weight loss: recipes of preparation of drink

There are several ways of preparation of tea with milk for weight loss. The first way of preparation of drink recommends to make green tea in the traditional way (1 tsp of tea leaves is ready in 100 ml of boiled water), then to dilute tea with milk of 1,5% of fat content already in a cup in a proportion 1:1.

The second way of preparation molokochy for weight loss consists in finishing 1,5 l of milk to 70C and a zavarivaniye in it 1,5 tablespoons of tea. Drink is drawn within 15-20 minutes then it needs to be filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Many people who tried tea with milk for weight loss recommend to cook drink in the second way as the tea made directly in milk was more effective.

For those who did not try a diet молокочай yet, recommend to prepare tea with milk in the first way. It will be so possible to track reaction of an organism and to choose an optimum flavoring combination, without translating products.

Day on a molokochaa: menu and recommendations about observance

The diet молокочай offers several versions of the menu that allows to vary efficiency, intensity and duration of the use molokochy which results are achieved by 5-7 kg in 10 days.Результат молокочайной диеты - минус 5-7 кг за 10 дней

So, the most strict, effective and bystry way of weight reduction is the exception of all products of a diet. To spend day on a molokochaa without consumption of other products extremely easily. 1,6 l of ready mix are distributed evenly during the day. The recommended portion for the one-time use – 1 glass (200 ml), and all volume molokochy is distributed on 8 times. Milk as a part of drink promotes a hunger satisfying, tea fills the need of an organism for liquid. During a diet tea with milk is also recommended to exclude all drinks (coffee, juice), except the still mineral or purified water. Day on a molokochaa will allow to lose weight from 0,5 to 2 kg depending on initial parameters of the person.

For longer observance the diet молокочай offers the following menu:

  • The porridge made on water;
  • Vegetable soup without potatoes;
  • Low-fat grades of meat in limited quantities (to 80 g a day);
  • Vegetables boiled or steamed.

This menu of a diet tea with milk is supplemented also 1,5 l of drink. At such diet it is possible to keep to a diet up to 10 days. Efficiency of a diet – to 5-7 kg.

Молокочай: results and efficiency of a method

At observance of a diet молокочай results become noticeable at once that is explained by natural purgation thanks to the milk use. According to responses of the people who tried a diet молокочай intensity of weight reduction in the first days of observance of a diet is quite high (to 2 kg a day) and decreases every next day (to 0,5 kg a day). Using молокочай, results of weight reduction need to be fixed every day for observation of dynamics of process.

The weight loss method on a molokochaa is rather effective, however it is necessary to leave a diet also correctly. So, at observance of a rigid diet tea with milk (1 day) it is necessary to be returned to a usual diet gradually within 3 days. At observance of a long molokochayny diet (up to 10 days) the exit period has to make a half of its term of a diet (up to 5 days). It will allow to set the achieved results and not to gain weight again.

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