Diet for drying of a body – the maximum forced burning of a fatty layer and subcutaneous fat, and also excesses of liquid. At combustion of fat the muscular relief is emphasized, the body as if dries, getting rid of all superfluous. This type of a diet is quite widespread among professional sportswomen. It helps to get rid in short terms of adiposities in problem places and to quickly build muscles. A diet for drying – rather wearisome and difficult process. Drying includes a complex of actions which it is necessary to approach responsibly and competently. Drying is meant as deprivation of a body of carbohydrates and stimulation of splitting of fats. At the correct drying there is a loss of fat and increase of dry body weight. At this type of a diet it is possible to lose to 30 kg of body weight in two-three months, having kept at the same time muscles. The body after a diet becomes relief, and muscles accurately appear.
Food allowance at sushkedostatochno strict. For drying it is necessary to exclude farinaceous food, sweet and animal fats from the menu of a diet. During a diet it is impossible to use tinned, fried, smoked and salty. Food needs to be cooked or steamed. At the beginning of a diet it is the best of all to refuse the salt use completely. Daily for cooking it is allowed to use no more than two tablespoons of vegetable or olive oil.
For drying it is necessary to include the products containing a large number of a protein (fillet of fish of low-fat grades, chicken breast, boiled eggs) in structure in the menu of a diet. As the egg yolk contains fat, it is not recommended to be used.
It is also necessary to include skim cheese in a food allowance. Cottage cheese has quite high energy value, and it is very important at various exercise stresses. However it is necessary to remember that at one time food the human body can acquire no more than 150 grams of cottage cheese.
Greens, wholegrain porridges, vegetables when drying will become the main source of carbohydrates. It is reasonable to use these products only at the beginning of a diet, and then it is better to remove them gradually from a diet. So, on the first week of a diet about two grams of carbohydrates on kilogram of body weight are allowed to use. On the second week of a diet for drying it is possible to use no more than one gram of carbohydrates on kilogram of weight. On the third week it is necessary to reduce daily amount of the used carbohydrates to 0,5 g by kilogram of body weight. On the fifth week of a diet it is possible to increase daily amount of the used carbohydrates to one gram. On the sixth week about two grams of carbohydrates on kilogram of body weight are allowed to use.
During a diet for drying it is necessary to reduce food caloric content gradually. All diet needs to be broken into shares. 10% of a diet have to make vegetable fats, 50% are proteins and 40% – slow carbohydrates. It is necessary to eat food often (from six to ten times a day), moderate portions. During a diet it is necessary to abstain from the use of food in two hours prior to and in two hours after an exercise stress.
During food when drying a body for girls daily it is necessary to drink not less than 2-2,5 pure liters.
The diet for drying of a body includes three stages. It is necessary to adhere to such diet for three months. In the first month of a diet it is necessary to use a small amount of uglevodorodsoderzhashchy foodstuff. Gradually it is worth passing to proteinaceous food with vegetables. When drying a body the use of sweets in the minimum quantity is allowed. It is desirable to replace sunflower oil linen or olive. Till a lunch carbohydrates have to get to an organism, and preference should be given in the second half of day to the products rich with protein. The third month of a diet is considered the heaviest. At the final stage of a diet it is necessary to use no more than 5% of proteins of all body weight. The amount of carbohydrates at the third stage of a diet should not exceed 80 grams a day.
To use a diet for drying of a body in house conditions, it is necessary previously to learn to work with tables of grain units, and also to be able to count amount of carbohydrates in food and to control a percentage ratio of fat in an organism.
At a lack of glucose the human body, first of all, uses a glycogen. At insufficient quantity of a glycogen the organism begins to split fat reserves. Process of a lipolysis quite energy-intensive and heavy. At acute shortage of glucose this process proceeds not up to the end. There are ketonic bodies, not split remains, ketoacidosis develops. Right at the beginning ketoacidosis quite easily is eliminated. It is enough to eat a little carbohydrate food and ketones will burn down. Thus, the diet for drying of a body for girls is really effective. But it is also very dangerous as it puts an organism on a ketoacidosis side. The diet for drying of a body cannot be used at the weakened immunity, deficit of microelements and vitamins, diseases of kidneys, a diabetes mellitus, stomach diseases and intestines, diseases of a pancreas and liver, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
In house conditions drying should be carried out after long sports activities and the balanced food within six months. At non-compliance with this condition the body of the person will get out of a shape, and together with it and the potential for further improvement.
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