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Elena Malysheva's diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
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The balanced diet developed by Elena Malysheva. It is expected a long time during which it is possible to lose excess weight and to replace eating habits on more useful.

The recommended chastota:lyuby
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

The author of a diet – the doctor of medical sciences, professor, the diplomaed cardiologist and the popular TV host Elena Malysheva. Its diet is the long-term system of weight loss based on the principles of healthy food and decrease in caloric content of food.

Elena Malysheva considers that effective weight loss is possible at observance of the following rules:

  • The number of meals – not less than 4, and are better than 5-6 times a day. It is impossible to starve. As a result of such approach work of intestines is stimulated and the calories received with food manage to be spent;
  • Frequent food prevents emergence of "brutal" appetite and meets requirements of an organism;
  • The volume of each meal has to make one glass (200-250 g) that corresponds to the normal size of a human stomach. Eating a food glass in each meal, it is possible to achieve reduction of the size of a stomach gradually. In this case the feeling of saturation comes with smaller quantity of food that normalizes appetite;
  • To drink not less than 2 liters of pure still water a day.

Except the listed rules, growing thin on Elena Malysheva's diet it is necessary to adhere to the following principles of food:

  1. Daily calculation of calories. Caloric content of a daily diet at the beginning of a diet has to make 1200 kcal with the subsequent decrease to 1000, and sometimes and to 800 kcal;
  2. Careful chewing of food. It is recommended sent to a mouth every portion to chew not less than 18 times. Thanks to it work of a stomach is facilitated and the risk of an overeating disappears;
  3. Sweet in a diet. Malysheva claims that glucose is necessary for normal work of a brain. The lack of sweet products causes a depression or aggression. However you should not enter sweet into a diet every day and in a large number;
  4. Prohibition on fruit and carbohydrate food in the evening;
  5. Fasting days every week. Such short period of sharp reduction of caloric content stimulates weight loss;
  6. Moderate daily exercise stresses. During Malysheva's diet it is not recommended to visit gym. During this period sports walking, water aerobics and daily walks by an amble are useful;
  7. Reduction of amount of salt in a diet.

In the Internet there is a special service of food on Elena Malysheva's diet. This project is developed by Malysheva and works under her management, service is available to the address Send to persons interested for a certain payment a set of ready food for 4 weeks. It is expected 4 meals a day, products are picked up according to the principles of a diet and balanced. A part of dishes in set in the frozen state also prepares just before food, another – is just filled in with hot water by the principle of preparation of muesli.

Диета Елены Малышевой – долгосрочная система похудения


Elena Malysheva's diet is quite effective: at observance of recommendations weight is lost on average on 3,5 kg a week, and after the termination of a diet extra kilos are not returned.

There are no strict restrictions in the choice of products therefore it is rather simple to make a diet, and it is not necessary to refuse favourite dishes.

Thanks to fractional food healthy eating habits form, appetite decreases.

Shortcomings and contraindications

Elena Malysheva's diet low-carbohydrate, it is impossible to call it balanced. It is not recommended to adhere to such diets for a long time.

One more minus of this power supply system – need to constantly count the caloric content of food and to measure the necessary volume (200-250 g).

Elena Malysheva's diet has no strict contraindications. It is not recommended to people with diseases of the alimentary system, to athletes, pregnant women and the feeding women. Persons with chronic diseases should consult previously with the attending physician.

What products are resolved?

In the menu low-calorie, low-fat products prevail. In a diet there has to be enough vegetables: cabbage (any kinds), asparagus, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, radish, pepper, eggplants, artichokes.

The fat-free dairy products, fast meat, low-fat fish, vegetable broths, cereal porridges and wholly grain products, mushrooms, herbs and spices, lemon juice, vegetable juice belong to the resolved products.

From drinks mineral table water, tea and coffee without sugar are resolved.

What products are prohibited?

One of important rules of a diet of Elena Malysheva – reduction in food of amount of salt. The food is salted insufficiently or not salted at all. Besides, it is not allowed to eat salty products (salty nutlets, fish etc.).

Fats of animal origin, fat grades of meat and fish, polished rice, bakery products, butter, sugar, beet, carrots, sauces, sweet carbonated drinks, fast food are included in the list of the prohibited products.


Example of the menu for one day:


Porridge on water, curdled milk or the fat-free yogurt.

Second breakfast

Tangerines or apples (2 pieces).


Boiled meat (chicken, fish), egg.

Afternoon snack

Tangerines or apples (2 pieces).


Boiled egg, vegetable salad, low-fat kefir.

Useful tips

Council 1: Vegetable salads alternate with greens salads.

Council 2: The dinner has to be no later than 19:00.

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