Diet of "Kg a day" – the particular, high security of food allowing to lose weight on 1 kg a day. Such way of weight loss belongs to bystry diets which need to be observed with extra care. Now there is a set of variations of the menu promoting bystry loss of weight. In what risk at observance of such diet? How it is correct to be prepared for a diet of "Kg a day"?
At the heart of any diet various principles of weight loss are involved: rapid clarification (is based on the use of the products clearing intestines), start of combustion of fats that is reached by decrease in energy value of the used products, reduction of amount of the eaten food (the actual starvation). First of all, it is necessary to understand that bystry diets (diets which allow to lose considerably for rather short interval of time weight) do essential harm to an organism: lead to failure of functioning of a GIT, a hormonal imbalance, mental disturbances. It is scientifically proved that optimum rate of weight reduction which does not do harm to an organism are about 500 g of stable decrease a week and, respectively, to 2 kg of stable decrease in body weight a month. All other diets, including a diet of "Kg a day", have to be observed with care.
Contraindications to observance of a diet of "Kg a day" are:
It is also necessary to understand that processes of combustion of fat demand certain time. The organism needs time for implementation of reorganization of food for internal reserves (burning by an organism of own laid fats). At observance of a diet of "Kg a day" clarification of an organism, and also reduction of amount of the consumed food is the cornerstone of weight reduction.
The most effective diets allowing to lose weight by 1 kg a day are the monodiets offering the use of one product during the day.
The choice of any diet has to be based, first of all, on initial indicators of the patient:
However more than 3 days in a row even on condition of ideal basic data are not recommended to keep to a diet of "Kg a day".
The diet of "1 kg a day" promotes bystry loss of weight. The basic principle of weight loss at observance of this type of a diet is essential reduction of amount of the consumed food and its caloric content. One of diets of "1 kg a day" offers the following menu:
For the correct assessment of results of the offered diet it is recommended to measure weight prior to the beginning of a diet, and then day later after its end. So between two measurements there will pass 4 days. By rules weight is measured in the morning. Daily control of weight during a diet of "Kg a day" will be not informative.
There are various variations of a diet of "1 kg a day" which menu allows the use of bread, meat, bean. However it is necessary to remember that pursuing the idea to lose weight, it is necessary to give preference to healthy products: to whole-grain bread, fast grades of meat, the fat-free fermented milk products, pasta from firm grades of wheat. Any healthy food allowance, as well as a diet of "1 kg a day", assumes an exception of fried food. All products are used in crude and in a boiled look. For the maximum preservation of useful substances the minimum heat treatment is recommended.
At observance of a diet of "Kg a day" it is necessary to watch a condition of the organism and its reaction to a diet carefully. At emergence of the following symptoms it is necessary to stop observance of a diet at once:
The diet of "1 kg a day" is not recommended to long observance. Those who aims to lose considerably weight are recommended to choose other diet or to alternate days of a diet to the periods of normal food.
It is also necessary to note that the usual diet after a diet of "Kg a day" needs also to be changed:
Diet "Day every other day" – the specific mode of food allowing to get rid without prejudice to an organism of excess weight. The principle of a diet is simple: day of usual food alternates with fasting day. Further the diet "Day every other day" is regulated by the general rules of all diets. Fat products, fried and other high-calorific dishes, useless for an organism of sweet and a delicacy are excluded from a diet. It is also necessary to adhere to a high security of food during the day: the last meal is allowed no later than 19:00, between meals there have to pass not less than 3 hours. Fasting day assumes the use of the third part of a usual diet. Caloric content of the menu of fasting day should not exceed 1000 calories.
The main advantages of this diet are:
Speaking about efficiency of a diet "Kg minus in day", it is worth emphasizing that the achieved result also demands fixing. The first results of a diet of "Kg a day" are achieved thanks to clarification of an organism. However if not to set result, then weight will return shortly. For start of combustion of fat the organism needs much more time. Weight reduction on a diet "Kg minus in day" – rate of weight loss, bystry and dangerous to an organism, that can lead to irreversible effects:
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