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Mirkin's diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:1 month and longer

4 of 5

Mirkin's diet – the balanced power supply system which can adhere as much as long. Change of eating habits according to rules of this diet will positively affect not only a figure, but also the state of health in general.

Recommended to the chastotayena it is defined
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

The most productive are the diets expected the long period and slow loss of weight. They induce to change qualitatively and quantitatively the diet for a long time, and it is even better forever to adjust the broken metabolism. Option of such power supply system is doctor Mirkin's diet described in his book "I and my kilograms. System of weight loss from doctor Mirkin".

Vladimir Mirkin developed the balanced menu for weight reduction and normalization of metabolism. The idea consists in division of all products on prohibited which are completely excluded from a diet, and resolved which can be used in any kind and quantity.

In addition to restrictions in the menu, three Regulations of Admission of food are introduced:

  1. It is necessary to delete a thick from first courses, leaving only broth which is useful to digestion;
  2. Second course - meat, fish or a bird with vegetables;
  3. The third dish should not be sweet.

The strict menu in a similar power supply system is absent, it is made proceeding from own preferences, using the resolved products and adhering to the recommended daily caloric content – it is not higher than 1500 kcal.

Any way of cooking, including frying on vegetable oil, however is resolved if excess weight is considerable, it is better to refuse it, having preferred preparation on a grill or roasting in an oven. After approach to desirable weight this limit can be lifted.

1-2 times a week are allowed to increase daily caloric content on 200-300 kcal. The similar step will prevent metabolism delay.

In case of hunger between meals it can be satisfied, having eaten 100 g of vegetables.

The doctor also pays attention to motivation, believing that the diet without statement of the real purpose, sincere desire to reach it, and also confidence in the forces is ineffective.

On condition of observance of all rules, Mirkin's diet will help to get rid of 7-10 kilograms of excess weight within a month.

Диета Миркина – сбалансированная система питания, придерживаться которой можно сколь угодно долго


All products relating to unhealthy, and meat, vegetables and fruit, necessary for an organism, are excluded from a diet, in it are present at a large number. Thus, Mirkin's diet is the good healthy nutrition which is positively influencing health and health.

The list of the resolved products is extensive, it allows to make the various menu to own taste for every day, it reduces risk of failure.

Shortcomings and contraindications

Absence of rigid structure of a diet sometimes induces to reduce unreasonably day caloric content quicker to achieve result. It needs to be avoided, especially at high energy costs. Daily caloric content below 1500 kcal slows down metabolism why the speed of loss of weight decreases and the risk of its return after end of a diet increases. Excessively rigid restrictions negatively affect on health: there is a headache, weakness, bystry fatigue and sleep disorders. All this almost with guarantee leads to failure.

As in this system there is an opportunity to create the diet independently, arranging it under the preferences and medical indications, the diet has no contraindications.

What products are resolved?

  • Meat of any kinds (except for fried pork);
  • Bird (except for roast duck);
  • Any fish and seafood;
  • Dairy products with fat content less than 3,2%;
  • Cheese fat content less than 40%;
  • Eggs;
  • Vegetables (except for potatoes and bean);
  • Mushrooms;
  • Sweet-sour fruit and berries: apples, currant, water-melon, oranges, grapefruits, etc.;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Spices;
  • Salt;
  • Any drinks without sugar addition. Juice and compotes should be diluted with water.

At desire it is allowed to eat a bread slice during the lunchtime.

What products are prohibited?

Sugar, confectionery and bakery products, bean and potatoes, grain, pasta, crabsticks, fish canned food with oil, dried fruits and nuts.


First option

Breakfast: coffee, 2 boiled eggs.

Lunch: a fish broth (250 g), cutlet (100 g), tomatoes with greens and vegetable oil (130 g), a bread slice, juice.

Dinner: cottage cheese (210 g), grapes (200 g), glass of kefir.

Second option

Breakfast: cottage cheese (200 g), coffee or tea.

Lunch: beef-infusion broth, meat (100 g), bread slice, fresh cucumbers, compote.

Afternoon snack: glass of kefir.

Dinner: kefir, cheese (100 g), orange or grapefruit.

Useful tips

Council 1: 1-2 times a week are allowed to increase daily caloric content on 200-300 kcal. The similar step will prevent metabolism delay.

Council 2: Regular physical exercises discipline, helping to keep to a diet, and increase its efficiency, stimulating a metabolism.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.