Diet for 4 weeks – the special food allowance calculated on 4 weeks, promoting activation of exchange processes to combustion of fats, and also development of a habit to eat properly. At the heart of a diet – the principles of healthy food without essential restrictions.
Diet for 4 weeks – rational approach to change of a usual diet. Duration of a diet will help an organism to adapt to new products, their reduced caloric content, a new diet, and also to adapt functions of all systems of an organism, without leading to their failure (constant feeling of hunger, a gastric disturbance, locks, a hormonal imbalance, psychoemotional instability). Today long diets are the most effective and easy in observance. The diet for 4 weeks does not belong to the category of rigid diets that significantly reduces risks to break and return to a former diet.
The basic principles of weight loss at observance of a new diet:
The diet for 4 weeks has undoubted advantages over bystry diets at the expense of the duration:
The new diet offers several variations of the menu, a wide choice of the products allowed for the use. However, as well as any other diet, this mode has only recommendatory character. For definition of the most effective strategy before a diet it is necessary to analyze the usual diet.
The main damage caused to an organism during any diet consists in essential restriction of caloric content, artificial creation of effect of starvation for activation of metabolism of own fatty deposits. Any restriction for an organism negatively affects a psychoemotional background, provoking irritability, aggression, apathy, a depression. The correct diet for 4 weeks will help to avoid emergence of negative mental reactions and to start natural processes of weight loss in an organism.
Defining tactics how effectively to lose weight in 4 weeks without essential damage to an organism, it is necessary to carry out audit of the usual food first of all. For this purpose it is necessary to write down all products and dishes from a daily diet, to define approximate serving size of each of them and to count caloric content, using available tables. Also it is necessary to consider all having a snack, products and delicacies used for fight against feeling of hunger in breaks between the main meals. Analyzing records, it is possible to understand what should be changed in a diet.
Main recommendations about replacements:
Why the diet for 4 weeks has to be formed independently? In order to avoid disturbances of observance of a diet, and also failures, individual approach taking into account key parameters is necessary for drawing up a diet:
Thinking of a question how to lose weight in 4 weeks without starvation, it is necessary to understand that weight loss is a complex process which demands change not only of a diet and a diet, but also a way of life. Active exercise stresses, stay in the fresh air, hydrotherapeutic procedures promote activation of processes of combustion of fats and weight reduction.
The balanced diet offered by a new diet:
For obtaining optimum effect at distribution of standard daily rate of calories it is necessary to use a simple formula 25-50-25 according to which 25% of calories are the share of a breakfast, 50% – for lunch and 25% – for dinner.
Efficiency of a diet for 4 weeks makes from 5 to 10 kg of loss of excess weight. Responses extremely seldom position a diet for 4 weeks as a diet, its diet is not strictly limited, includes all vitamins and microelements necessary for an organism, and also promotes reorganization of an organism and its adaptation to a new diet. The new diet actually does not demand an exit from a diet as for this period at the person healthy habits and preferences in food manage to be created.
The long diet actually has no contraindications and can be observed during pregnancy, at teenage age, after the postponed diseases thanks to balance of the offered diet. The diet for 4 weeks, reviews of which speak about its indisputable efficiency, offers not the specific menu, but the new principles of food and a range of "healthy" products. The diet for 4 weeks is one of the most popular also due to the lack of side effects which often appear at observance of traditional bystry diets:
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