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Diet for a week

Week is quite real term for weight loss. Diets for a week can bring huge benefit to an organism, and can do much harm, on the contrary, to it. Everything depends on the menu and a diet.Особенности диеты на 1 неделю

Diet for weight loss in a week

Thanks to this diet for 1 week it is possible to dump from 5 to 9 kilograms. It perfectly suits those who wish to lose weight quickly. The only thing, it is necessary to adhere precisely to the sequence of days and products to change a metabolism. Not to return to last weight on the expiration of week, it is necessary to enter gradually into a diet usual products and to limit consumption of sugar, salt, sweet, fat, flour and alcohol.

Use only those products which are specified. If very much it wants to eat, you can drink before going to bed a glass of the fat-free yogurt or kefir. Waters it is necessary to drink not less than two liters a day.

The menu of a diet for 7 days

The first day of a diet for 1 week

Breakfast: one glass of the fat-free kefir, one toast and a small piece of firm cheese.

Afternoon snack: hundred grams of any fruit or berries.

Lunch: hundred grams of the preserved or cooked haricot, the vegetables salad filled with sunflower or olive oil, one glass of unsweetened tea or freshly squeezed juice.

Dinner: hundred grams of tinned or boiled haricot, light vegetable salad and one glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Second day

Breakfast: unsweetened tea and hundred grams of skim cheese.

Afternoon snack: hundred grams of fruit or berries.

Lunch: hundred grams of tinned or boiled haricot, vegetable salad with a small amount of fermented red cabbage, one glass of unsweetened tea or juice.

Dinner: hundred grams of tinned or boiled haricot, hundred grams of the welded fish, one glass of juice or unsweetened tea.

Third day

Breakfast: one toast, 250 milliliters of low-fat kefir, one small piece of cheese.

Afternoon snack: hundred grams of fruit or berries.

Lunch: hundred grams of the preserved or cooked haricot, vegetable salad, one glass of unsweetened green tea or juice.

Dinner: the preserved or cooked haricot (hundred grams), vegetables salad, one glass of tomato juice.

The fourth day of a diet for a week

Breakfast: skim cheese (hundred grams), unsweetened green tea or coffee.

Afternoon snack: hundred grams of berries or fruit.

Lunch: tinned or boiled haricot (hundred grams), the fruit salad filled with the fat-free yogurt.

Dinner: rice, boiled without salt (fifty grams), boiled chicken meat (hundred grams), one glass of unsweetened tea or juice.

Fifth day

Breakfast: low-fat yogurt (hundred grams), one glass of unsweetened coffee or juice.

Afternoon snack: berries or fruit (hundred grams).

Lunch: tinned or boiled haricot (hundred grams), light salad from sauerkraut or vegetables.

Dinner: tinned or boiled haricot (hundred grams), the vegetable olive oil salad, two potatoes welded in a uniform, one glass of juice from ripe tomatoes.

Sixth dayПервый, третий и пятый - самые сложные дни в диете на неделю

Breakfast: firm cheese (fifty grams), one toast, one glass of unsweetened coffee.

Afternoon snack: one glass of low-fat kefir.

Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese (hundred grams), light salad from vegetables, one glass of juice.

Dinner: boiled or tinned haricot (two hundred grams), hundred grams of any fruit.

The seventh day of a diet for a week

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt (hundred grams), one glass of unsweetened coffee.

Afternoon snack: any berries or fruit (hundred grams).

Lunch: tinned or boiled haricot (hundred grams), light vegetable salad.

Dinner: vegetables soup (two hundred grams), tinned or boiled haricot (hundred grams), one glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit or orange juice.

Reviews of a diet for a week

According to responses, the diet for a week will not do harm to your health. The most difficult days in a diet for 7 days – the first, third and seventh. These days it is necessary to show more self-control.

At observance of a diet for a week the organism receives all necessary vitamins as the diet contains many fresh fruit and vegetables. And haricot, rice and meat will help to be peeled to your organism of toxins and will fill it with useful substances.

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.