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Diet on tomatoes

The diet on tomatoes is the available and useful power supply system directed to weight loss, clarification of blood and removal of toxins from an organism.

Features of a tomato diet for weight loss

Диета на помидорах поможет похудеть и очистить кровьThe diet on tomatoes is based on food by tomatoes and their dishes them which are low-calorie with high useful properties. Tomatoes contain a set of vitamins, ascorbic acid, minerals and microelements. The regular use of tomato juice allows to strengthen immunity, to strengthen protective functions of an organism, to normalize a metabolism and to clear an organism of toxins.

The diet on tomatoes received a set of positive reviews thanks to the fact that tomato juice helps to protect an organism from a negative impact of the environment.

The diet on tomatoes is directed to regulation of metabolism and elimination of excess lipidic deposits. Using daily tomato, apple, lemon and oxalic juice it is possible to reduce considerably body weight, to eliminate a vitamin deficiency in an organism and to improve a physical state.

Advantages and shortcomings of a diet on tomatoes

The diet on tomatoes has good responses as the power supply system directed not only on weight loss, but also on strengthening of various systems of a human body. It is possible to carry to the main advantages of a tomato diet to weight loss:

  • bystry weight loss without harm for an organism;
  • improvement of work of cardiovascular and digestive systems;
  • elimination of deficit in an organism of vitamins B and With, carotene;
  • normalization of arterial pressure;
  • prevention of gastritis, pancreatitis and peptic ulcer.

At observance of this diet it is necessary to use daily okolo1,5 kg of tomatoes. It is possible to lose weight on tomatoes quickly enough as they are low-calorie vegetables. In 100 g of tomatoes 23 calories, and in 100 ml of tomato juice of-18 calories contain. These vegetables can be included in unlimited number in a diet.

It is also necessary to consider that the use of tomatoes is contraindicated in the period of intoxication and at a serious illness of the alimentary system.

During a tomato diet in an organism the amount of liquid therefore to avoid a bystry set of weight after a diet, it is necessary to pass gradually to consumption of products with the content of salt is reduced.

The tomato diet has positive reviews as the dietary menu which suits vegetarians and athletes.

In the period of a diet it is better to eat tomatoes fresh without thermal treatment at which useful acids are lost. It is possible to use tomato juice with potatoes and other vegetables, but you should not mix tomatoes with other food, such as meat, eggs and cottage cheese. The combination of these products can cause digestion disturbance.

Tomato juice is well acquired with olive oil, nuts, low-fat grades of cheese and garlic. It is not necessary to add salt and other spices to tomato juice, but it is possible to add to it fresh greens.

Types of tomato diets

The tomato diet received positive reviews as a power supply system which has several types selected according to a state and existence of excess weight of patients. Nutritionists allocate long and short tomato diets.

The short diet on tomatoes represents an unloading diet to which it is necessary to adhere 2-3 days. This diet is directed to weight loss on 2-3 kg.

To lose weight on tomatoes on a short diet, it is necessary to use every day (for 3 days) 1,5 kg of vegetables. Meal is divided into 4 times, and completely delete sugar, salt and various spices from a diet.

The long tomato diet is carried out within 14-15 days, and for its period it is possible to get rid of 3-5 kg. The food allowance of a long diet on tomatoes can be divided as follows:

  • breakfast – a glass of tomato juice, two slices of rye bread and banana;
  • lunch – 100 g of boiled rice, a small piece of boiled fish, a glass of tomato juice and apple;
  • dinner – 50 g of rice, vegetable cutlet, fresh tomatoes and tomato juice.

The most useful is freshly squeezed tomato juice which possesses recovery and fortifying action. Throughout a tomato diet it is necessary to drink a large amount of liquid and not only tomato juice, but also not carbonated mineral water.

Диета на помидорах длится 14-15 днейAt observance of a diet on tomatoes it is necessary to support constantly a body in a tone, to carry out aerobic exercises and to walk in the fresh air.

In addition to a short and long diet on tomatoes, there is a special diet of constant character (lasts for several months). It is directed to system weight reduction, and its main ingredient are tomatoes which need to be used daily in a fresh and stewed look, and also 5-7 times a day to drink tomato juice. During this diet allow to use various vegetables and fruit, boiled chicken meat, fish and low-fat fermented milk products.

Easy aerobic exercises, swimming and massage are the key to maintenance of the correct weight after a diet.

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