Diet at arthrosis of joints – specially developed power supply system allowing to improve a condition of joints and to reduce risk of further development of arthrosis. Main objectives of observance of a diet at arthrosis of joints:
Arthrosis most often develops with age, in joints cartilaginous collapses and connecting and bone fabrics expand. The disease can be shown owing to a slow-moving way of life, heavy exercise stresses or improper feeding earlier.
The menu of a diet at arthrosis of joints is developed individually for each patient taking into account age, sex, existence of excess weight, a stage of a disease and other factors. At the same time a diet at arthrosis of a hip joint, a diet at arthrosis of a knee joint or a diet at foot arthrosis actually differ in nothing as a problem of such diets one – supply of an organism with the nutrients promoting recovery of cartilaginous tissue and normalizing work of joints.
And formations of new fabrics are necessary for an organism for recovery of the cartilaginous tissue covering the surface of joints animals and phytalbumins. Dishes from proteinaceous products should be boiled, extinguished or steamed. The menu of a diet at arthrosis surely join a jelly and jelly as a source of a large amount of collagen – protein necessary for recovery of cartilaginous and bone tissues of joints.
For the correct metabolism carbohydrates give energy. Preference at arthrosis is given in a diet to complex carbohydrates which contain in vegetables, fruit and berries. The prolonged absorption of complex carbohydrates provides an organism with energy for a long time. The simple carbohydrates which are contained in sugar and sweets as they promote a set of excess weight are excluded from a diet.
As the accelerator of exchange processes in a diet at arthrosis of joints is used by fats of a plant origin and natural butter. It is necessary to exclude any refractory fats which promote a contamination of vessels cholesterol, worsening their passability and interfering with a blood flow.
At arthrosis supply of an organism with vitamins (especially groups B), minerals and microelements is important. If with their food arrives insufficiently, reception of vitamin and mineral complexes which the attending physician has to appoint is necessary.
Making a diet it is necessary to keep to balance. Products have to contain enough nutritious elements for recovery of work of joints, but not promote a set of excess weight. Proceeding from these conditions, in a diet at arthrosis of hip joints, a diet at arthrosis of knees or a diet at arthrosis of foot it is recommended to use the following products:
Making the menu of a diet at arthroses it is necessary to consider:
At arthrosis it is necessary to exclude whole-milk products, fat meat, corn oil, fast food products (fast food).
Observance of specially made diet at arthrosis of joints promotes essential reduction of weight, noticeable improvement of a condition of patients and reduces risk of further development of a disease of joints.
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